‘Build bridges, not walls’: The Singapore volunteers on a mission to help with Gaza relief efforts

SINGAPORE: Pleasure and duty – that was how three Singapore volunteers&nbsp, described&nbsp, their objective in Cairo&nbsp, to assist with Gaza reduction work.

They were a member of a SRC ( Singapore Red Cross ) team that visited Egypt last week. For the first time in its continuing relief efforts for Gaza, the organization has deployed human volunteers.

Volunteers worked with the&nbsp, Egyptian Red Crescent ( ERC ) to pack&nbsp, hundreds of parcels containing basic food items such as rice, pasta, flour, salt, oil, tuna, tomato paste, biscuits and jam. Therefore, using vehicles, these packages were transported to Gaza. &nbsp,

The group also obtained and procured products for the meal packs, which are anticipated to last for more than 9, 000 people for five to seven times.

Team leader Nadim van der Ros described the experience as “very sobering” and described it as “very sobering” shortly before returning to Singapore on Monday ( Apr 29 ).

One group will sustain one home for a year, according to him,” we managed to group 500 of these packages and if you extrapolate that, that’s going to affect nearer to 2, 000 people,” he said, describing it as a drop in the ocean in terms of the materials that are needed.

They certainly also have more money to support them during this crisis, van de Ros said. I do believe that builds a sudden necessity to the job that we do here.

Their goal in the Middle East has taught them several classes, according to two different individuals, Mr. Don Chow and Ms. Tracy Koh.