South Africa seeks justice for Gaza

The South African government has asked the International Court of Justice ( ICJ) to issue an immediate purchase stating that Israel violates its commitments under the Geneva Conventions by massacring Palestinians in Gaza.

This action is supported by the International Movement for a Just World ( JUST ).

Israel is alleged to be trying to “destroy” the Arab community and identity “in full or in part” by relentlessly bombarding people and property. This is blatantly against the Geneva Conventions. In addition, &nbsp,

More than 22, 000 Palestinians had been killed by Israeli military forces or by unarmed inhabitants as of Tuesday, according to a variety of sources. About 9, 000 of these people are kids, and 6, 500 are people. &nbsp,

Since the start of hostilities about three months ago in response to a fatal attack by Hamas on October 7, the Israeli government has severely restricted access to food, gas, water, electricity, and medicines. A sizeable portion of the population in Gaza is in danger of going hungry.

Additionally destroyed are &nbsp, hospitals, schools, additional public amenities, and a sizable portion of Gaza’s system. In fact, Gaza and all of its farmland have been destroyed. This 363 square kilometer piece of land has about completely become unusable. &nbsp,

Many people have been persuaded by the massive damage that what is occurring in Gaza is obvious ethnic cleansing and a continuation of the 1948 establishment of Israel.

shared retribution

Gaza was under Israeli assault from land, water, and heat even before this tragedy connected to October 7, 2023. Israel’s method of punishing Gazan electors for choosing Hamas to tip the region was the assault, which started in 2006.

In addition, spectators from the US and the European Union declared the 2006 general election to be free, honest, and genuinely political. However, Israel did not want that result.

The Jewish response exposed that regime for what it truly is: a bereft of commitment to political principles, despite what the West believes to be the only real democracy in the area.

Israel was not only revealed by the Gaza vote. Additionally, it exposed the invisible ugly in the US and EU’s political facades. These two so-called political organizations decided to impose sanctions on Gaza because Hamas had won.

The narrative is not over at that point. &nbsp, Beginning in 2008–2009, Israel has launched a series of attacks against Gaza. The fifth rape is taking place right now. Any effort by the Gazan people to defend their fundamental right is vehemently resisted.

Gaza has never been given the chance to grow its own economy. This explains why the band is so impoverished, with youth poverty rates exceeding 60 %. This tiny area is crammed with 2.3 million individuals, making it one of the most crowded places on Earth. &nbsp,

The fact that the majority of Gaza’s residents are descended from migrants from the original Jewish activity and invasion of Palestine in 1948 adds to its pathos.

The reason it is growing sympathy and support for the embattled Gazan populace is because more and more people are becoming aware of the Gaza story.

The 153 countries that demanded an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and a ballot on December 12 at the UN General Assembly show how worried everyone is about the situation of Palestinians. &nbsp,

For many years, South Africa has been at the frontline of this issue. The post-apartheid West African leaders were among the Global South’s most outspoken critics of Israeli remedy of Palestinians.

Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela understood that Israeli prejudice against and marginalization of Palestinian natives was comparable to apartheid.

The fact that the people and leaders of South Africa have such a strong affinity for the Palestinian cause is in part due to their own experience with racism. The Global South’s different countries ought to speak up as well.