Ramp up maritime security, ex-Japan diplomat warns

Ramp up maritime security, ex-Japan diplomat warns
President of the Foreign Policy Institute Japan, Kunihiko Miyake

As global politics become more intense, especially in Asia and the South China Sea, the leader of the Foreign Policy Institute Japan has suggested that Thailand enhance its coastal protection.

Former Chinese diplomat Kunihiko Miyake just paid a visit to the Japanese embassy in Thailand.

Mr. Miyake also discussed how the shifting political position has been affecting Asia and Thailand in particular with the Bangkok Post on this occasion. On the outside of an occasion titled” Geography of Asia: Japanese Perspective,” he conducted the interview.

Mr. Miyake pushed for more cooperation between the two nations. He claimed that Thailand is regarded as a strategic place with strong ties to its neighbors.

Due to the Gulf of Thailand’s presence in the South China Sea, he claimed that the main danger may be nautical in nature.

Because it is one of the key locations for shipping products to other countries and is significantly more cost-effective and less expensive than trains, the Gulf of Thailand is regarded as among Thailand’s sources of wealth and safety.

If Thailand is still a thriving commercial nation, you will need sea-based communication to the north part of East Asia, the Gulf of Thailand, Europe, and other locations to obtain more energy. This is Thailand’s politics, he claimed.

Mr. Miyake continued by stating that Thailand is more geographically diversified but does not have hostile relations with any of its neighbors, whereas Japan is an island nation and, as a result, is greatly dependent on maritime trade.

The South China Sea continues to be a possible risk in the event of any disagreement with China, despite the fact that China is somewhat geographically removed.

The water sections are what they want to handle. According to Mr. Miyake, they want to overthrow the powerful US naval hegemony in this region.

Similar to the Vietnamese, Thailand has been greatly reliant on water, but they have different issues with the Chinese. The Philippines are also in the same situation. This is why Thailand is necessary because, in my opinion, it is a very valuable jewel in the Asean region. He continued,” You are a great status quo power, and you want it to stay this way as an independent, democratic country.

Additionally, he advised Thailand to maintain its close ties with the United States. He claimed that the US is eager to safeguard and advance Thailand’s pursuits.

Japan’s perspective

According to him, Japan and the US have mutually beneficial relationships. Because the US has outposts in Okinawa close to Taiwan, making Japan carefully valuable, he noted, Washington needs Japan to assist in deterring China.

Therefore, they require us, and we require them. However, since 1945, we have primarily needed one another. Because we support one another, we continue to use America in a great impression, and they do the same for us.

We want to maintain either our current standing or that of the status quo. But let’s maintain the status quo and use Americans to protect us. To the best of my knowledge, Thailand is also a status quo authority, and they [the US] are never making any changes in Thailand, according to Mr. Miyake.

Thailand is at the center of this region, but the rest of Asean is depending on you, the US wants to stabilize it, he continued.

He responded that Japan is not a great military power and that it wo n’t be one again when asked how Japan and Thailand could improve their maritime communications and assist Thailand in navigating its way through an era of intense geopolitical change.

However, he pointed out that the nation also needs to stabilize its maritime provinces with like-minded nations.

The best thing we can do is assist like-minded countries in supplying maritime law enforcement tools, training, or assistance, such as beach watch skills.

” For this reason, we have been helping Vietnam and the Philippines. However, if you have a military or beach guard, we can help you out greatly. I believe we just installed a detector system in the Philippines.

Thailand must use this kind of mechanism to create its own defenses even if it is not viewed as a form of military power. It is still very defense identification radar to spot potential threats. Therefore, in order to protect your waters, you probably need more ships with a more qualified coast guard crew. That is one illustration, he said.

world ideas

Additionally, he suggested that Thailand’s intellectuals, including journalists, may embrace a variety of world perspectives rather than concentrating primarily on one area.

” Japan is not just Japan- China, Japan, and the US.” We have ideas and passions on a global scale. As a result, we began with Asean in the 1970s and then traveled to the Middle East to learn difficult classes.

” We are currently picking up a bit from Europe.” Therefore, those three regions are no distinct from one another. Sadly, whether you like it or not. Thailand and those regions are not separated both.

I believe that you can advance your national interest in this region of the world, not only in Asean but also in East Asia, the Indo-Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, if you contribute to those [areas ] intellectually, in a sort of strategic thinking.

” I want Thai scholars to rethink Thailand’s passions in that context after having a broader and more global proper perspective.” Not in the framework of the Indochina island or Asean. That is the best way to maximize Thailand’s regional attention, he continued.