Russia joins China in suspending seafood imports from Japan

While being reviewed by the IAEA( the International Atomic Energy Agency ), Japan may continue to provide explanations to Russia based on scientific evidence in a very open way and in good faith, according to the Monday statement.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry informed Russia on October 10 that it had” the safety of Chinese watery products based on scientific evidence” and its inspection procedures for radioactive materials, such as tritium, in aquatic goods.

The waters of Russia’s far eastern regions, which are fairly close to Japan, are where a sizable percentage of its fish and seafood are caught. According to Rosselkhoznadzor, Russia also imported 118 measurement tonnes of fish and seafood from Japan between January and September.

Along with China and South Korea, Japan is one of the largest export markets for Russian shrimp.

The Fukushima ocean launch will be examined by the IAEA Marine Environmental Laboratories in Japan from October 16 to 23, and separate third-party laboratories from Canada, China, and South Korea will take part in this year’s monitoring.