Singapore issues recall for mooncakes from food companies Fragrance and Joymom’s

SINGAPORE: The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has ordered a recall of mooncakes from two food companies, Fragrance – known for its bak kwa or sweet barbecued meat – and Joymom’s, after detecting contaminants in two of their products.

Aflatoxins were found in Fragrance’s Single Yolk Lotus Paste Baked Mooncake and a bacterium was detected in the Musang King Snowskin Mooncake from Joymom’s. 

The agency detected both at levels exceeding the maximum limits stipulated in Singapore’s Food Regulations, said SFA on Wednesday (Sep 27). It advised consumers against consuming the two products.


Aflatoxins can occur in foods as a result of fungal contamination. Foods that can be contaminated with aflatoxins include cereals, nuts and oilseeds as well as processed foods containing these ingredients.

“Aflatoxins are known to be genotoxic and carcinogenic, and exposure through food should be kept as low as possible,” said SFA.

Staphylococcus aureus, the bacterium found in the Joymom’s mooncake, is normally found in the environment, the skin or in the noses of people.

It is a common cause of food poisoning and can result in sudden onset of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhoea, said SFA. 

It added that foodborne pathogens like staphylococcus aureus can be introduced during the production process when cross-contamination occurs.

Those who have consumed the mooncakes and have concerns about their health should seek medical advice. 

The respective importers, Fragrance Foodstuff and Taste Right, have been directed to recall the implicated products as a precautionary measure. 

The recall is ongoing.