Role of BCG economy discussed at Apec forum

The Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) model, Thailand’s new economic model for inclusive plus sustainable growth, can boost business opportunities following the pandemic has subsided, local experts told an Asia-Pacific Financial Cooperation (APEC) forum yesterday.

The BCG details on four financial sectors linked to Thailand’s biodiversity and social diversity, said Janekrishna Kanatharana, vice chief executive and executive director of the Eastern Financial Corridor of Advancement (EECi).

Those sectors are food and agriculture; as well as wellness; energy, materials and biochemicals; and tourism and the creative economy, said Mr Janekrishna, who also serves as vice leader of the National Technology and Technology Advancement Agency (NSTDA).

“With the ideal policies and administration, intervention, the use of technology and technology plus innovation, as well as the involvement of all sectors active in the BCG economy, this is an important growth motor for Thailand’s environmentally friendly future, ” he said.

Mr Janekrishna has been speaking during a program titled “BCG Economy in Thailand and Business Sustainability” on the International Academic Forum and 5th Apec Media Focus Team.

The forum was working under the banner “Apec and Business Sustainability”.

Attended by diplomats, businessmen and academics, the particular forum was hosted by the Ministry associated with Foreign Affairs and Mahidol University within preparation for this November’s Apec summit within Thailand.

Thani Thongphakdi, the particular permanent secretary regarding foreign affairs, had been invited to be an important speaker at the discussion board.

He or she said his ministry has been engaging with all the public about sustainability and other top priority Apec topics to boost understanding of them.

But more significant dialogue is needed to make sure everyone benefits from this particular Apec summit, he said. The concept for Apec 2022 is “Open. Link. Balance. ”

Mr Thani said Thailand’s adequacy economy has assisted guard it against current hardships however the BCG also has a role to play.

“By leveraging science, technology and advancement through a whole culture approach, the BCG economy model can advance the post-pandemic period and extensive growth.

“It is based on the fact that the wellbeing from the environment, society plus economy are quintessentially symbiotic, ” this individual said.