Soaring inflation dampens Eid holiday spirit in crisis-hit Pakistan


Sheikh Amir, who runs a small shop selling glass bangles and imitation jewellery, said he was usually able to earn enough for the whole year during Eid.

“It’s become very difficult these days,” he said. “We are just going through the motions in the hope that we will be able to make enough to pay the rent for our shops.”

Major shopping districts across the country usually see a surge in spending in the week leading up to the holiday, which begins with the sighting of the new moon, expected this weekend.

In urban centres, markets and shops stay open until after midnight – many putting on special offers or sales to attract customers.

Twinkling holiday lights adorn many bazaars to attract customers, while street vendors set up stalls offering special holiday treats.

This year, all have reported a significant drop in sales.

“Our business is slow,” said Ali, who was hoping to sell hundreds of embroidered shawls in the run-up to Eid.

For Fatima Azhar Mehmood, a mother of seven daughters, this Eid will be a budget-conscious one.

“I have to shop for them, and at the same time I have to buy things for the house,” she said.

Instead of buying off-the-rack clothes for the girls, Fatima went shopping for fabric in the Old Lahore district and plans to home-stitch their holiday outfits.

“We have to buy rations, buy things for the children … and our rent is going to be due soon too,” she said.

“Everything is upon us at the same time.”

Shocked at the price of goods this year, Amna Asim decided that in her household, only the children would get gifts this year – adult relatives would have to go without.

“Shopping for the kids is a must,” she said.

“We can’t leave the kids out. Even if we don’t get anything for ourselves we must get something for the kids.”