In full: President Halimah Yacob’s address at the opening of parliament


Even as we focus on our present needs, we must also plan for the future and think on behalf of generations to come.

We are here today only because of what previous generations of Singaporeans did. They were willing to work hard and make sacrifices, to give us – their children and grandchildren – a better life. We must uphold these same values and leave behind a Singapore that is better than the one today, for the sake of future generations.

Climate change poses an existential threat to our island state. We have committed to decisive action to reduce carbon emissions and are taking resolute steps towards meeting our net-zero commitments. We also need to protect ourselves against global warming, especially rising sea levels. We are developing plans for more extensive coastal protection measures, and will dovetail these plans with our urban renewal strategies.

All this requires responsible use of our fiscal resources and husbanding of our accumulated reserves. We must therefore continue to uphold our longstanding principles of fiscal prudence and discipline, so that future generations too will have the means to weather major storms, and the wherewithal to build the Singapore of their dreams.


Throughout our nation-building journey, we have repeatedly faced challenges and setbacks. We survived when few believed we would. When we started out in 1965, the journey looked so daunting, with so many problems to solve. But with courage and determination, our founding leaders and pioneer generations tackled challenges head-on, one by one, and built this thriving metropolis.

We are now in a much stronger position – better poised to overcome our vulnerabilities and armed with crucial resources to push forward with confidence, however stormy the weather.

Our collective experiences have strengthened the mutual trust between Singaporeans, and their confidence in our system of government. This virtuous circle relies on us partnering one another and working together to make the impossible, possible.

The leadership transition to the 4G team is well underway. They have worked well together and proven their ability and grit through their handling of the COVID-19 crisis. They have also been engaging citizens widely through the Forward Singapore exercise. They must continue to strengthen their bonds with Singaporeans, and work closely with them to write the next chapter of our Singapore Story.

The trust between our political leadership and people, and between Singaporeans themselves, is a key strength we must continue to nurture and cherish. In so many societies, this has gone wrong. These societies face deep divides that are difficult to bridge. Instead of bringing people together, political parties aggravate rifts by divisive appeals for support from competing groups. Their political systems are stuck in gridlock. Consequently, trust in government and its institutions plummets, making recovery even harder.

We cannot afford to let this happen in Singapore. In an open, diverse society, people will always have different views. We must debate them honestly and robustly. But our conversations also must be constructive, respectful and responsible, based on facts and sound analysis. Our interactions with one another must be anchored on mutual respect and trust, and a shared goal of advancing the larger public interest. In this way, we can work through our differences, enlarge our common ground, and draw strength from our diverse perspectives.

So far, we have done well: Out of diversity, we have built a deep reservoir of social capital and trust. As we commemorate the centenary of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s birth, we should reflect on the values and principles of the founding generation of leaders. We should reaffirm and uphold our shared values, while re-examining what needs to be updated and possessing the courage to break new ground. Only then can we forge ahead confidently, firm in our footing and sure of our destination.


The COVID-19 experience shows what Singaporeans are capable of when we come together as a nation, and gives us quiet confidence and strength as we face the future together. Let us learn from this experience to work together to improve the lives of today’s Singaporeans, keep faith with future generations yet unborn, and build a Singapore that thrives and endures for many years to come.