Grab moves MP Tin Pei Ling to ‘corporate development’ role after debate over conflict of interest


The PAP said it wishes Ms Tin success in her latest role at Grab. 

It noted that most PAP backbench MPs have private careers, as “this keeps them in touch with our economy and society and enables able and committed people from many professions and walks of life to serve as MPs, raising the quality of MPs in Parliament”.

“However, it is essential that MPs rigorously separate their public role as MPs from their professional and commercial interests in their private careers, said the PAP.

It added that under the party’s Rules of Prudence, MPs are expected to conduct themselves in their duties and responsibilities with “utmost propriety”, to uphold the reputation of the party and the integrity of the Singapore system.

“While performing their MP duties, they are expected to declare potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves as appropriate from decisions, discussions and positions where there is a risk of such a conflict arising,” the PAP said.

Before joining Grab, Ms Tin served as the chief executive officer at Business China, a Singapore non-profit organisation cultivating Singapore-China relationships, since May 2018. She left the role in December 2022 but remains a board member. 

Grab’s announcement of her shift in job roles comes more than a week after her initial appointment made the news. She had attended Grab’s Chinese New Year appreciation lunch for driver- and delivery-partners on Feb 1 in her capacity as director of public affairs and policy.

The company said it came to a “mutual agreement” with Ms Tin on her revised role after discussions on her career aspirations and evaluating her experience against relevant open roles.

“Her duties will include realising synergies across our investments and acquisitions, as well as supporting strategy development,” it added.

“She will be expected to continue abiding by the rules of engagement we have put in place to declare and avoid any possible conflicts of interest, and operate in the same manner as other MPs holding private sector roles.”

CNA has asked Grab if Ms Tin’s corporate development role was newly created and if the company is looking to hire a new director of public affairs and policy.