Accidents, life-threatening illnesses, severe infections – this A&E nurse fights to save lives every day

“It is not such as TV shows such as Scrubs or Grey’s Body structure where you always have gunshot or stab wounds. We see a broad variety of patients from events to non-emergencies, ” she said.

“Thirteen per cent of our cases are resuscitation plus critically ill situations such as heart attack, acute stroke and stress cases from mishaps; 67 per cent are major emergencies where the patient is unable to walk. The remainder includes minimal cuts, fractures or even illnesses such a chronic cough, ” she noted.

“In critical cases, we all look at the ABC – airway, breathing and circulation. Is the respiratory tract open? Is the individual breathing? Is the center pumping? Does the individual need CPR or tubes, ” she said. “We have to quickly assess the patient, find out their issue, medical history and medication allergy, and place the patient according to priority. ”

Priority one and two situations will get immediate treatment, while priority three or non-emergency instances will join the particular queue, Ho explained.

The girl administers painkillers, works quick first aid to stop any bleeding, plus orders any essential tests such as X-rays to check for bone injuries, or ECG (electrocardiogram) to check for cardiovascular attacks, which is one of the most common causes of fatalities, she said.