NTU appoints NUS provost Ho Teck Hua as university’s new president

SINGAPORE: Behavioural scientist Ho Teck Hua has been appointed president of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) with effect from Apr 24, the institution said on Wednesday (Feb 8).

He will succeed Professor Subra Suresh, who stepped down in December 2022 after five years at the helm to return to the United States.

Professor Ho, who has been serving as senior deputy president and provost at the National University of Singapore since 2018, will be NTU’s fifth president. He will also become an NTU distinguished university professor when he begins his tenure.

“An acclaimed expert in the fields of behavioural economics, management science and marketing, Professor Ho is renowned for his research, teaching and consulting on behavioural game theory, marketing-operations interface and pricing,” NTU said in a news release.

“His appointment as an NTU distinguished university professor is the highest academic honour bestowed on eminent faculty members with extraordinary scholarly achievement.”

Prof Ho was appointed after a global search, in line with the best practices of leading universities, said Ms Goh Swee Chen, chair of the NTU board of trustees.

“NTU’s achievements and rapid rise to become a leading university in a relatively short span of time are due to the visionary leaders who have steered the university through its formative years,” Ms Goh said.

“Our next president will ensure that NTU continues its momentum built up over the course of its history.”