US-China rivalry is no new Cold War

This is the first of three parts of an article initially published by ICAS , a Chinese language government-funded think container in Washington.

Key takeaways

  • seventy five years ago last month, the American diplomat George Kennan published an essay in  Foreign Affairs  entitled “The Sources of Soviet Conduct” in which he introduced the technique of ‘containment’ towards the Western world. Kennan recommended the firm hold of Soviet expansionism, which was being superior under the banner associated with communism, at every crucial strongpoint at which this encroached upon the particular interests of a tranquil and stable world order.
  • Kennan’s advocacy of containment has been based on his reading through of the philosophical motorists of the Soviet Union’s postwar foreign policy worldview. Moscow seen the capitalist approach to production to be nefarious and exploitative, innately antagonistic to socialism and in need associated with destruction as a rival center of ideological authority and geopolitical competition.
  • The far east challenge today is certainly unlike that presented by the early Cool War-era Soviet Union that Kennan acquired surveyed. The Chinese language Communist Party’s “socialism with Chinese characteristics” aims to take advantage of capitalism’s strength as a means of resource portion and efficient marketplace exchange – not really its supposed weaknesses of class turmoil and violent spillovers. Besides, Chinese socialism is not an instrument of geopolitical aggrandizement.
  • Moreover, Kennan’s strategy associated with containment was premised on Washington leftover the dominant worldwide economic power and using this abundance, and leverage, to apply collective discipline one of the West in its negotiations with Moscow. Within China, by contrast, it will eventually face an expert whose economic size and material features at the government’s removal will outstrip those of the United States. This will pile a collective motion problem of the initial order on the West. It will also test a core proposition where US primacy offers rested: that The united states could meet the proper challenge of the day from the position of national strength.
  • From a good Indo-Pacific systemic perspective, the currency of competition in the regarding the China Challenge will primarily end up being economic and technological, and less army or ideological. The particular gravitational pull of China’s domestic market will dictate that Washington embrace a light-touch approach when crafting selectively decoupled supply chain strategies. Allies must be taken care of as co-equals; not really appendages leashed to the immediate American economic self-interest.
  • Interminable ocean going and military competition within the first and second island stores of the western Pacific cycles will remain an unavoidable feature of US-China relations. Taiwan, in particular, will remain a powder keg for the near future. By the same expression, there is no reasonable foundation for an armed US-China conflict to spill over into geographies that Beijing deems as lying beyond the anti-access, area-denial variety essential for its criminal prosecution of a first tropical isle chain-specific contingency. The particular Indian Ocean as well as the South Pacific will stay as sideshows.
George F. Kennan. Photo: Princeton Alumni Weekly


Seventy-five years ago, the particular American diplomat George Kennan published an essay in  International Affairs,   underneath the pseudonym “X, ” titled  “The Sources of Soviet Perform. ”

Kennan, a Sovietologist, was at the time arriving off a stint as charge d’affaires at the US charge in Moscow. In the essay, Kennan surveyed the political personality of Soviet energy and, based on their deduction of the philosophical drivers of the Soviet foreign policy worldview, tendered a number of useful suggestions for future US policy toward The ussr.

The content struck an instant chord, in a Washington grappling to come to terms with the Soviets’ intransigent ways, in the immediate aftermath of Ww ii when the postwar final settlement in European countries had not yet materialized.

Rather than indulge constructively in East-West negotiations, Soviet leaders seemed more interested in transforming their Central and Eastern European army occupation into a network of satellite regimes – first simply by co-opting the region’s non-communist parties, next by engineering coups d’état and, finally, through outright reductions.

Kennan supplied a compelling exposition of the wellsprings of the alarming behavior on Moscow’s part.  

“The Sources of Soviet Conduct” expanded on ideas that Kennan had expressed a year earlier inside a confidential telegram to his State Section superiors, famously generally known as “ the particular Long Telegram . ”

Drawing on persistent caesaropapist impulses inside the Imperial Russian tradition, Kennan had portrayed the Stalinist dictatorship  as simply the newest of “that long succession of cruel and wasteful Russian rulers” who got “relentlessly forced” their particular country “on in order to ever newer heights of military energy in order to guarantee external protection of their internally fragile regimes. ” Along with such an insecurity-ridden regime, “no permanent  modus vivendi”  that was “desirable and necessary” has been possible, Kennan got averred.

There was nary a mention of the word “containment” in the  Long Telegram. That word would enter the diplomatic lexicon for the first time within “The Sources of Soviet Conduct . ”  In the article, Kennan counseled his countrymen to put into action a policy of “long-term, patient but company and vigilant containment … designed to confront the Russians with unalterable counterforce at every point where they show signs of encroaching upon the passions of a peaceful plus stable world. ”

Soldiers from your US Army Berlin Command face away from against police through Soviet satellite state East Germany during one of several standoffs on Checkpoint Charlie within 1961. Photo: ALL OF US Army

“The Sources of Soviet Conduct” was not designed to be a comprehensive statement of national technique. It nevertheless grew to become one due to its rigor and timing. The phone call to containment successfully became the Western world’s geopolitical doctrine for the Cold Battle age.

Three-quarters of a century later, the rise associated with China and the damage of US-China connections have spawned emulatory efforts to intellectually frame Washington’s adversarial terms of wedding – and disengagement – with Beijing during this first half of the 21 st   century.

The most known has been a 72-page papers released by the Policy Planning Department from the Trump-era State Section in November 2020, titled “ The Elements of the China Challenge . ” Its key section delves into “The Intellectual Sources of China’s Conduct.

The State Department paper purports to educate American citizens for the China challenge at hand and instill a good all-of-society response in order to prevail in the ensuing great power contest. As Kennan do with Russia, their state Department authors reach back to China’s imperial era behavioral drivers to explain the Communist Party’s conduct.

“The determining component of China’s conduct” derives from the Chinese language Communist Party’s “hyper-nationalist convictions, ” that are “not drawn from your Marxism-Leninism playbook” yet from traditional Chinese thought as well as the party’s 21 saint   millennium model of authoritarian governance and international economic dependency-creation around the world, it postulates.

Kennan had ascribed Soviet conduct to its despotic Tsarist gift of money too, with Marxism-Leninism more-or-less serving as being a fig leaf of moral and mental respectability.

Their state Department paper creates interesting reading. Additionally, it invites a set of fundamental questions. Even if one particular accepts its framework linking persistent household behavioral drivers and Marxist-Leninist façade in order to external conduct upon lines reminiscent of Kennan, is there much or some kind of equivalence in the behavioral wellsprings of the Stalinist Soviet Union’s carry out back then and socialist China’s conduct nowadays?

Don’t the domestic drivers of China’s external conduct, set against the Soviets’ conduct in response to “capitalist encirclement” and geopolitical containment, point actually to a very different set of outcomes? And should not those domestic drivers, in turn, point toward a different set of suggestions and strategies to cope with the China challenge?

Sourabh Gupta is a citizen senior fellow at the Institute for China-America Studies (ICAS). The essay is republished by Asia Periods with permission.