Low fertility tops ‘Smart Families’ agenda

A discussion on the effect of low birth rates on the labour sector and economies at Apec Health Week, which kicked off yesterday. PUBLIC HEALTH MINISTRY photo
A discussion on the a result of low birth prices on the labour industry and economies from Apec Health Week, which kicked away from yesterday. PUBLIC WELLNESS MINISTRY photo

The Asian countries Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Health Week meeting began recently with a “Smart Families” policy discussion means deal with low delivery rates and their impact on labour plus economies.

The meeting, becoming held at the Millennium Hilton Bangkok Resort until Friday, was yesterday presided more than by Deputy General public Health Minister, Satit Pitutecha, who offered the policy dialogue on “Smart Families”.

Mister Satit said that seventeen of the 21 Apec members’ economies are facing demographic complications, with low male fertility rates causing people declines which will influence their economies in the long run.

“Thailand is also facing this problem. Presently, it has a population of about 66 million and we have already become a good aged society, and we’ll soon become a super-aged society, ” he said.

In 2020, Thailand had a fertility rate of 1. 24, that is lower than the population alternative level of around one 6. In 2017, there were about 700, 000 newborns within Thailand. In 2021, the number of births decreased to 540, 500, Mr Satit stated.

“The number of births will be gradually decreasing and today it is close to the number of deaths. If we bum, the birth price will be less than the particular death rate, plus Thailand’s population may be halved.

“The working-age population will decrease and they will have the added burden of taking care of community, children and the aged.

“It is estimated that will in the next 40 years, the ones from working age may decrease by 15 million, and the older will increase by twelve million. This alter will affect the economy, society and budget of the country, inch he said.

Mr Satit said this week’s meeting was an opportunity for Apec economies to exchange information plus make a commitment in order to solving this problem along with public health officials, family planning specialists, civil society, in addition to educational, institutions, worldwide organizations, and the personal sectors of each Apec member state.

Thailand also presented its Intelligent Families project at the session.

Dr Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, Director-General of the Division of Health, stated the Ministry of Public Health is usually promoting the project under the 2nd Nationwide Reproductive Health Growth Policy and Strategy (2017-2026).

“The aim is to promote childbirth and for parents to provide childcare for optimum development and full possible so these kids can be a driving force behind further growth for the country in the future, ” he stated.