58 killed in Indonesia’s cold lava, flash floods: experts say deaths were avoidable, warn of further surges

JAKARTA: Murders from warm lava and flash floods on Indonesia’s Mount Marapi could have been avoided, say authorities, who urge residents living on the cliffs of Sumatra’s most active volcano to get better organized against natural disasters.

They add that better land usage policies at the provincial government levels and weather modification techniques may help reduce risks brought on by sprawl and deforestation, among other things. &nbsp,

Tons of volcanic ash that had accumulated on the mountain’s slopes to the hills and rivers below washed away on Saturday night due to heavy floods, which were caused by tens of eruptions over the previous five months. &nbsp,

The mountain, which has its title from the local Minang word for” Mountain of Fire,” had swells of cold volcano, waters, and rock that poured down several factors.

The power of the storms, which affected nearly all of the two hundred streams with headwaters on Mount Marapi, caused them to sever bridges, cut off highways, and buried farmland and private areas under heavy layers of mud and debris.

As of Wednesday night, 58 persons were confirmed dead and 35 more were missing by the flash floods.