300 vocational pupils set for South Korea

An agreement has been a part of secure an opportunity for that first 300 Thailänder vocational students to analyze in South Korea in a paid study-cum-apprentice programme designed for prospective shipbuilding technicians, the federal government revealed yesterday.

Under a memorandum of understanding agreed upon on Thursday within Bangkok between the Association of Private Schools of Technology plus Vocational Education of Thailand and Mokpo Science University within South Korea, the Thai students learn the Korean vocabulary in a six-month training course and be paid about 50, 000 baht a month while learning towards their degrees, said deputy government spokeswoman Tipanan Sirichana.

On graduation, the college students can start working for contracted companies in South Korea and their own visas will be upgraded to work visas, the girl said. Their approximated starting salary will be 80, 000 baht a month, she said.

“This is good news from your South Korean labour market, one of several countries the government happens to be supporting Thai workers to go to work lawfully in, ” the lady said.

South Korea is a popular destination among Thais seeking overseas work due to high wages driven by labour shortages there.