The WHO is emphasizing the general proper to good mental health on Mental Health Day this time. & nbsp;
Everyone has the right to enjoy the highest attainable requirements of emotional wellbeing, according to Dr. Bruni, who added that his organization is working to maintain mental health is promoted and protected. & nbsp;
However, people with mental wellness problems continue to experience a wide range of human rights violations all over the world, including in the Southeast Asia region, and many of them are excluded from society and the community.
A person’s mental health condition should not be used as an excuse to deny them their individual rights or prevent them from participating in society. ”
According to the United Nations health organization, as of 2019, nearly one billion people worldwide — roughly one in eight — have a mental health condition.
In light of recent world stressors like the COVID-19 epidemic, the Russia-Ukraine discord, and the continued climate crisis, experts believe that the figure is now significantly higher.
There is still a imbalance in terms of funding in mental health services, according to Dr. Bruni, despite numerous studies on high return on investment for mental healthcare.
It’s crucial to put more money into emotional wellbeing. “”