” I felt like it sounded like an earthquake, the car rushed over, ( travelling at ) 70 to 80kmh, very fast”, he said.
” We were walking forward, and we did n’t expect the car to come from behind”.
Chen jumped into the shrubbery next to the track to escape, but the majority of his colleagues were in his usual position, in the middle of the party, and had no time to maneuver away from the path.
” I still do n’t understand how he rushed in”, Chen added, saying vehicles are not allowed in that area.
He claimed that there were more than 40 people of his training class present, and eleven of them had died, two of whom are still unaccounted for.
According to Chen, there were subjects of all ages and from a variety of backgrounds.
A list of the patients has not been made available by the authorities.
Since Monday night, images and videos have been circulated on social media showing that victims also include those who did n’t previously use the exercise track.
” I do n’t understand why someone would want to kill so many people”, said Chen.
The attack’s location, according to another native named Lai, was “terrifying” and “really painful.”
He had gone that because he knew his family, who was unharmed, often went to dance classes there.