Youth “absent” from Summit of the Future

Youth 'absent' from Summit of the Future
In April, students at Government House receive a lecture on the executive’s role, responsibilities, and authority. ( Photo: Chanat Katanyu )

Women’s tones, particularly children, need to be heard at the United Nation’s Summit of the Future later this month, and their ideas incorporated in the last statement due to its filing, human rights activist Vitit Muntarbhorn said on Monday.

He was speaking at a lecture held to aid Thailand’s preparation for the summit’s September event this year.

Summit of the Future is a high-level gathering of world leaders to come together to form a global discussion on how UN member states may contribute to a better future.

This year’s mountain, which will be held at the UN’s headquarters in New York on Sept 22- 23, will argue with the drafting of a” Pact of the Future” outlining the participants ‘ commitment to sustainable development and financing for advancement, international peace and security, science, technology, innovation and modern cooperation, youth and future generations, and transforming world governance.

Mr. Vitit doubted that the summit would be able to save multilateralism, which is currently waning due to international rivalries, even though the event is intended to reiterate the global commitment to international cooperation.

He said while the Pact of the Future is meant to provide a basis for wider stakeholder engagement, the pact’s drafting process lacks inclusivity. &nbsp,

” It’s always the executives of ministries who are represented ]at these meetings ], but the people have no opportunity to mke their voices heard”, he said.

The human rights activist urged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to engage youth organizations to increase their chances of being heard on the international stage.

He suggested that the government should instead of starting a new one in the name of the Thailand Youth and Children Council, as attendees of the summit have been urged to hold more gatherings prior to the meeting to get more input from youth.

” We have all kinds of children’s councils all around Thailand, but are they here ]at the seminar]? Participants in this seminar should be young people, and they must have access to the UN.

” Do n’t just listen to the ministry’s voice. Common people’s voices must be able to reach the UN in order to keep the spirit and promise of the UN charter, which begins with the phrase’ We the People ‘, “he concluded.