Woman got colleague to hire maid on her behalf to bypass work permit rules; all 3 get jail

SINGAPORE: A advertising operations manager in Singapore who is employed on an employment pass agreed to assist an encounter by paying her to act as a lady on paper in exchange for money.

She knew that the encounter would become sourcing for her own labor, but she also wanted the work force to remain in Singapore.

Nevertheless, when the boss needed a girl to care for her child, she could never get one as she already had one on record. Then she approached a coworker to help them find another girl on paper in the coworker’s name.

Two maids and their two companies appear to be the culprits, and those responsible have been given prison sentences for breaking international employment laws.

Loraine Bucud Arat, 48, is sentenced to nine weeks in prison on Monday ( Jul 15 ). Her partner Chuang Tiew Jong Veronica, a 72-year-old Singaporean, was handed 12 weeks ‘ prison, while 41-year-old Filipina girl Pestano Jeannette Masinsin received five months ‘ prison.

The third lady- home companion Cerbas Melanie Selerio, was sentenced in 2021 to eight months ‘ prison.

According to the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act, Jeannette and Chuang admitted to making a false statement when applying for a local helper’s work force.

Loraine admitted guilt on one count of conspiring with Jeannette and Chuang to create another false declaration in the application for a lady’s work force for Melanie. A second charge was considered in punishment.

THE Event

According to court records, Loraine held an career pass and held a position as a director of marketing activities in Singapore.

In 2016, she got to know Melanie, a private companion working for another home in Singapore, through a volleyball game.

Later in 2017, Melanie emailed Loraine to see if she knew anyone in need of a lady. After discussing the matter, the two ladies agreed to apply for a work permit for Melanie as a domestic helper in Melanie’s brand.

They agreed that Loraine had not really get her company, and that Melanie would use the labor force to be in Singapore and look for her own job.

Melanie agreed to pay Loraine fortnightly rental and utility costs of between S$ 300 and S$ 400 as part of the partnership. She also agreed to keep her own monthly charge of S$ 300.

In June 2018, Loraine submitted an application to the Ministry of Manpower’s Job Pass Division asking for Melanie to function as a private companion at her house.

Melanie continued doing this false agreement for more than a year while also working as a part-time cleaner in Singapore until her employment enable was suspended in September 2019.

Loraine brought her child to Singapore to begin school about the same time Melanie had accepted to help her with her false software.

In June 2015, Loraine hired Jeannette to care for her child, who was then one-years-old. After that, Lorraine relocated to Singapore for work and left Jeannette and her child there.

In order for Jeannette to care for her child, who was about three years old by the time she was brought over, Loraine wanted to bring her to Singapore in late 2017.

However, she was ineffective in applying for a lady force for Jeannette, as she was now the job permit company for Melanie.

Loraine approached Chuang to assist with Jeannette’s work permit application in October 2018. She explained to Chuang that she was unable to obtain one for Jeannette, who she wanted to take care of her child.

Chuang was not given the reason for her loss.

At that time, Loraine had been taking her child to the office constantly, disrupting her job performance. In light of this, Chuang agreed to help Loraine.

She requested a work permit in order to employ Jeannette as a lady at her home. After the application was approved, Jeannette entered Singapore, stayed with Loraine and worked for her.

For about nine times from November 2018, the pair maintained the design. About half a quarter, Chuang even hired Jeannette to clean her own apartment.

Each program lasted about five days, and Chuang did give Jeannette S$ 50. &nbsp,

MOM began looking into the situation in November 2019 after receiving a tip about potential violations of international career rules.


On Monday, MOM attorney Khong Zi-Wei requested 11 months in prison for Loraine, six months for Jeannette, and three to four weeks for Chuang.

Mr. Khong claimed that Loraine had spearheaded the plan by approaching Chuang with her plan, which included Loraine transferring Jeannette’s regular tax to Chuang and preparing all the necessary administrative documents.

Chuang agreed, but did not make any monetary benefits from the structure.

Since Loraine’s uses for Jeannette had twice been turned down, Mr. Khong claimed MOM would not have issued the labor force for Jeannette if it had known that she would be employed by Loraine.

Jeannette could stay in Singapore for nine weeks before her force was revoked, according to Mr. Khong, who claimed the deception was” informed and planned.”

He claimed that Chuang’s actions had allowed Loraine and Jeannette to break the job complete platform.

According to Mr. Khong,” She had efficiently deprived a foreign employee ( and prospective employer ) of the right to work legally in Singapore as a migratory home worker.”

While Chuang did not benefit materially, she was an intermediary between Loraine and Jeannette. She was even able to use Jeannette’s services when and as necessary without having to keep her employed as a domestic helper in accordance with the work permit and legal requirements.

DEFENCE’S Prevention

Mr. Laurence Goh from Laurence Goh Eng Yau &amp, Co. represented the three girls.

He sought mercy for his customers, saying that Chuang in certain was “quite a ill girl” who survived tumor.

She ca n’t squat and needs to use the restroom five times per night, according to Mr. Goh, and the condition has made her a lot of movement difficulties.

He claimed Chuang thoroughly worked and that no money was made from it. In her old age and motionless position, she accepted it when Jeannette helped her to clean the house and gave S$ 50 for Jeannette’s support “in appreciation”, said Mr Goh.

He claimed it was “impromptu” rather than a predetermined circumstance where Jeannette agreed to clear Chuang’s house a specific number of times each month.

He claimed that each of the three girls had intentions to plead guilty in the first instance, but that they were advised to seek legal counsel because they were serving prison sentences.

This crime, according to District Judge Ronald Gwee, has received” sufficient attention” from MOM and is particularly difficult to spot.

If MOM has to check and verify employment situations frequently, it may stress its resources, said the judge.

He concurred with the trial that harsh words must be imposed because many of these instances involve defendants who do not consider their actions to be” so gravely wrong.”

If MOM’s efforts to control the work situation are hampered, it could lead to some negative results for the state, said the judge.

Chuang intends to charm.