Woman arrested for running karaoke sex bar

The cafe owner would withdraw 80 % of the service fees paid by teenagers.

Woman arrested for running karaoke sex bar
Late on Thursday, authorities attack the Raed music club in Bangkok’s Bang Khen area. ( Photo: Department of Provincial Administration’s task force Facebook )

Following a raid on a music club in Bangkok’s Bang Khen area late on Thursday night, a person was detained and charged with bringing a case against her for bringing teenagers into prostitution.

Around 10pm, a 33-year-old woman who runs the nightspot was arrested by a Department of Provincial Administration ( DOPA ) task force and police who made the raid on Raed karaoke bar near Soi Lat Pla Khao 75.

Three teens- two 15- yr- older girls and a 16- yr- old trans girl- were rescued.

The work force was informed that girls under the age of 18 had been brought to the music bar to offer sex services to customers, according to DOPA inspector-general Ronnarong Thipsiri, who oversaw the raid. Three youths who had been taken to a nearby room met three spies posing as customers, so the process force received the call to release the attack.

According to the research, the club owner, whose title was withheld, had procured the youth from various regions several months ago, making them her lenders. The owner may withdraw 80 % of the fees when they were charged for alcoholic beverages or sex services.

The music cafe owner was the first defendant in the human trafficking law case to be brought against him. They included offering to buy tickets for trafficking and launching a nightclub without authorization. Additionally, the apartment’s landlord was accused of operating a hotel without authority without authorization. &nbsp,

A group of therapists will be invited to investigate the freed youth, who will be sent to a child happiness home for treatment, said Mr Ronnarong.

On Thursday, police detained a transgender woman and two girls who were traveling to Bangkok’s Bang Khen neighborhood to perform sex acts on a customer. ( Photo: Department of Provincial Administration’s task force Facebook )