The first noble firs that were commercially grown developed as seeds as higher-grade trees, which were then available ( Google them ). Their ancestors are now grown in containers and nurseries for one to two times before being moved to trees inside.
The Green Corner’s business manager, Justin Tan, informed me that the honorable pines they import are from Oregon. Most of the Christmas trees homes that, according to Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences, tend to be upland places with well-drained heavy soils that aren’t vulnerable to high summertime heat.
These trees kick around in the great country for eight to 10 years to reach a level of 1.8m, said Tan, before they make their one-month, cross-continental journey across the sea. They are transported in frozen containers to keep them clean, he said, even though they don’t get business class tickets.
On the other hand, Nordmann redwoods are found in the northern Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea region of northern Turkey, where they can be grown at altitudes ranging from 900m to 2100m. They are named after Alexander von Nordmann, a Scandinavian naturalist.
These redwoods are  , considered “royalty” in the pine earth as they have the “perfect” Christmas trees look. Some plants simply have the best of luck.
And like nobility of the human form, Nordmanns have experienced scandals like the Wonderful Christmas Tree Shortage of 2007. Swedish producers, who are alleged to have set rates on their desired Nordmann pines, causing some French, German, and Brits to stop being observant and have on. They are responsible for producing most of Europe’s Christmas trees. ( You can read all about it here. )