When ultrasound scans are abnormal, this Singaporean foetal surgeon helps parents through hard decisions

A situation involving twin-twin transfusion symptoms, an abnormal condition where blood flows indistinctly between twins who share a placenta, was even brought up by Dr. Tan. Monochorionic sisters refer to these sisters. &nbsp,

Foetal light procedure is one of the options. This involves passing a fetoscope ( a tiny camera ) through the amniotic sac of the “recipient” baby – the baby who receives more body. The babies are therefore “blocked by the blood vessel flow, allowing both to develop typically,” using a laser fiber.

At least one mini “recovers from the process and continues to grow” in about 80 % of these operations. The majority of expecting mothers had likewise recover well, but they would likely be monitored for a few days to a week after surgery.

Even when procedure for twin-twin transplant illness is successful, the situation might recur once, say, a few weeks or a couple of months later, and” the child may require another surgery or be delivered prematurely”, she added. &nbsp,

” As much as possible, we try to prepare the kids for all the risks”.

DRESS Practices FOR Procedure

Physicians, also, need to be prepared. Numerous dress rehearsals must take place before the actual time in a uncommon form of baby operation, which at KKH annually sees one or two cases.

This surgery is called the EXIT ( ex-utero intrapartum treatment ) procedure, and it’s done during the birth delivery itself over one to two hours.

When doctors discover foetuses with potential blocked airways, they perform the Open treatment. This includes infants who have “very huge neck masses,” which could cause trachea blockage or airway compression. &nbsp,

” In these cases, it’s often very difficult to give the girl oxygen after it’s born. But what we do is a professional antenatal section”, Dr Tan said. &nbsp,