What would Japanese intervention to boost a weak yen look like?


When Chinese authorities repeatedly state that they are” stand ready to act quickly” against speculative actions, it is a sign that intervention is on the way.

Trading partners see price checking by the BOJ as a potential precursor to intervention, as evidenced by calls from central bank officials to dealers to request buying or selling rates for the yen.


Shunichi Suzuki, the finance minister, stated to reporters on Wednesday that the government could “decisively step” against yen weakness, a phrase he has n’t used since the 2022 intervention.

Chinese authorities held an urgent meeting to discuss the frail yen hours later. The meeting is typically held as a symbolic sign to the areas that the government are worried about quick currency movements.

Japan’s leading currency diplomat Masato Kanda claimed after the meeting that recent yen movements were very quickly and out of step with fundamentals, suggesting that Tokyo had enough reason to act to stop further currency declines.


Specialists say they look at the rate of japanese falls, more than amounts, and whether the techniques are driven by speculators, to decide whether to move into the forex market.

Business players anticipate a strong upward movement above 152 yen as the next level, followed by 155 yen now that the dollar has broken the levels that caused intervention in 2022.


The choice is very political. When the community is upset about the poor yen and the subsequent increase in the cost of living, the administration must answer. When Tokyo intervened in 2022, this was the situation.

The prospect of intervention may increase once more if the yen’s slide accelerated and sparked the ire of the media and the general public.

It would be difficult to make a choice. Given that perhaps a significant renminbi buying would be incomparable to the US$ 7.5 trillion that changes hands every day in the foreign exchange market, intervention is expensive and could easily refuse.


The Ministry of Finance troubles short-term expenses to raise the yen before selling it to devalue the Japanese yen as a result of Japan’s intervention to stop yen increases.

To assist the renminbi, however, the government may touch Japan’s foreign resources for dollars to market for yen.

In either case, the BOJ serves as the agency’s realtor while the finance secretary issues the order to act.


Renminbi- buying intervention is more tricky than yen- marketing.

Authorities are unsure of how long they can protect the yen because Japan has almost US$ 1.3 trillion in international reserves that could be significantly eroded if Tokyo constantly intervened.

If the treatment involves the dollar, Chinese authorities even consider it crucial to seek the assistance of Group of Seven partners, particularly the United States.

In line with latest close diplomatic relations, Washington gave implicit acceptance when Japan intervened in 2022. When Japan then considers initiating an intervention, it is uncertain whether the same will occur.

Given the chance of receiving unwelcome attention and criticism from Washington as a result of the looming US national elections, Chinese leaders may not be able to intervene.