Patients who have the signs described above and have experienced severe aortic stenosis are advised to undergo surgeries.
” A ordinary valve opens to about three to four square centimetres. When the valves never opened more than one circle centimetre, or even less, this is considered severe”, Assoc Prof Ho said.
He added that the rate of red blood cell flowing across the center valve, which is a critical consideration for doctors, is because a tighter heart valve causes faster blood cells to go.
This cautious approach to operation is because of its high risks, particularly for older patients with various medical problems, Assoc Prof Ho said.
He said,” We need to time these procedures properly so that people don’t come away from them before they’ve already had enough of their therapy.”
Typically, open heart surgery with medical valve replacement was the main therapy option for cardiac stenosis. In this treatment, doctors make an incision in the chest to get the heart, recognize the narrowed valve, replace it, and remove it with either a natural or silver valve.
However, since 2009, a minimally invasive procedure, the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation ( TAVI ) has been available in Singapore. According to Assoc Prof. Ho, NHCS treats about 100 patients annually with this technique.
TAVI involves a little fracture, usually to the knee or thigh area. A replacement natural valve (usually made of animal cells ) within a metal catheter is located within the narrowed gate by a catheter inserted through the arteries and directed to the center.
The new gate takes over its role by allowing for improved blood flow from the brain to the rest of the body as it expands and pushes the ancient, narrowed gate to the side.