Wet weather in Singapore batters businesses, ruins sports enthusiasts’ plans

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Sports that rely on the weather have even experienced negative effects. &nbsp,

For example, because of the weather, just one civilization was completed in two weeks during a competition held by the Singapore Sailing Federation earlier this month.

According to Lemmy Teo, chairman of the Windsurfing Association of Singapore, rain alters wind patterns and affects presence. &nbsp,

” When the rain comes, generally there is going to be zero weather for the next half an hour or one afternoon, depending on the severity”, he said.

Without wind, sailors will struggle to return to shore if the skies opened when they are at sea, according to Mr. Teo.

He added that the group must shift its events because of the unpredictable weather.

” We will have to defer our activities towards the end of the year, or perhaps even toward the beginning of next year,” said Mr. Teo, if the weather is not going to get very favorable around this period.

” We might have to travel to some other locations to find better breezes if we really don’t have good winds.”