VP Harris is to represent the US at Swiss ‘peace summit’ for Ukraine

Vice President Kamala Harris does represent the US at the Swiss-organized international peace conference on the war in Ukraine, a move that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky promoted.

Harris would attend the meeting in Lucerne on June 15th, according to the White House announcement on Monday ( June 3 ). George Clooney and Julia Roberts will be a guest stars at a campaign charity for President Joe Biden in Los Angeles.

” The Vice President may illustrate the Biden- Harris Administration’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s effort to secure a simply and lasting harmony, based on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial dignity” and the rules of the UN contract, said her communications director, Kirsten Allen.

She added that Harris will “reaffirm my support for the Ukrainian people as they continue to defend themselves from Russian aggression.”

Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, will join Harris as part of the US delegation.

Zelenskyy has heavily boosted the summit and encouraged world leaders to attend, even as he’s accused Russia, with China’s help of trying to undermine the meeting.

Switzerland will host the summit&nbsp, on June 15- 16 that aims to build broad international support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ‘s&nbsp, peace&nbsp, proposals including the full withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, but Moscow has not been invited.


Zelensky’s office says that 107 countries and international organisations have confirmed their participation, including Ukraine’s Western allies and countries from South America, Africa and the Middle East. In total, KYIv has invited about 160 capitals and organizations.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the&nbsp, summit&nbsp, would be “absolutely futile” without Russia’s participation.

Kiev resisted Russia’s invitation because it does n’t believe Moscow, whose invasion has resulted in the devastation of thousands of people, the displacement of millions more, and the destruction of Ukrainian cities and towns. Russian forces currently control about 18 % of Ukrainian territory.

Serhiy Nikiforov, the presidential spokesperson, said the talks, building on Zelensky’s 10- point&nbsp, peace&nbsp, formula, would prioritise three key themes- food security, nuclear safety and the release of all prisoners and deportees.

These three points specifically have the power to bring nations with opposing viewpoints together, Nikiforov said on Ukrainian TV.

The initial discussions between Ukraine and Russia took place in the early stages of Russia’s invasion. The delegations met in Belarus and then in March 2022 in Istanbul, but broke down.

During 2022 and 2023 separate&nbsp, peace&nbsp, initiatives were announced by China, the Vatican and a group of African countries, but also to no avail.

In September of this year, Zelensky ratified a decree forbidding any discussions with Putin. Officials in Ukraine have defended their position that talks with Russia will only be possible when Moscow withdraws its forces from occupied Ukrainian territory.