Virus shuts another big school

Triam Udom Suksa Pattanakarn School will suspend onsite classes and return to remote learning in a few days after more than 900 of its students recently contracted Covid-19.

It is the most recent large school forced to revert to online classes because of a sharp within accumulated infections among students. In all, 910 students at Triam Udom Suksa Pattanakarn have caught the virus.

A week ago, Bangkok Christian College said it would curriculum vitae online classes from This summer 11-19 after 688 students and seventy teachers and staff were infected with Covid-19.

Triam Udom Suksa Pattanakarn on Wednesday  announced it was closing tomorrow for strong cleaning of its structures and premises. Classes online will be conducted from July 25-27 and Aug 1-5. Come july 1st 28 is a community holiday for Their Majesty the King’s birthday.

The school will return to onsite study on Aug 7. Nevertheless , students must undergo an ATK test and send the result on-line to the school before returning.

Meanwhile, three out of every four people are worried by the fact that more Covid-19 cases happen to be found in schools, a survey by the Health Department has discovered.

Department chief Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai said the vote was carried out from July 6-18, to discover whether people were concerned by infections within schools.

He said 76% of an undisclosed number of respondents said they were worried.

Asked why, with each respondent allowed to give more than one answer, 69% said these people feared children might spread the virus for their families; 55% had been afraid infected children would develop severe symptoms; and 41% said child health care and treatment could affect their function and income.