Video killed the Instagram star? How Instagram’s push towards Reels is affecting local photographers


Still, while photographers don’t dismiss the importance of checking up on trends or adopting Instagram’s changes, a few pointed to traditional email or word-of-mouth as their go-to way to secure clients.

For instance, Mr Seah might occasionally dabble in Reels right now, but he will not see the algorithm impacting his business. This individual noted that he has already built a “small base of followers” who look to him for wildlife walks and wildlife pictures tips.

“Most of my subsidized products were via Instagram Stories or word-of-mouth referrals, hence I don’t really (see) any impact on our client side. In fact , most of my clients for wildlife photography and wildlife moves also come through word-of-mouth, ” this individual said.  

“The reach from viral Reels mainly comes from overseas. Therefore i think even getting a huge amount of wedding will not increase the client base much. ” 

Thomas (not his real name), who has been the photographer for 5 years, also favors to get his major clientele – architecture firms, interior design companies and hospitality organizations – through tried-and-tested methods.

The particular 29-year-old has a cautiously curated Instagram feed that speaks to his clean design. But at just over 150 photos, using the occasional lifestyle and travel shot, he admits to hardly ever posting. He also has not published any Instagram Reels.        

“I believe most would concur it takes a lot of time plus effort to curate the most ideal feed. As well as for someone with a perfectionist mindset, or seeking to be a perfectionist, it is challenging. Therefore , only when I do have the disposition, I will post the particular photos in batches, ” he described.  

“But when I do (post), usually I obtain a few enquiries about my service. I assume it’s more like, ‘Hey! I’m still right here and photographing, in the event that you’d like to work together, feel free to drop me a message’ (that) kind of approach. ” 

That said, Thomas admitted that Instagram offers helped him reach clients past and present by being the “secondary platform” to showcase his profile. While he might not put all their eggs into that will basket, he believes there is “no harm in relying primarily on Instagram” to get one’s name out in this day and age.  

“In truth, it could be said that it could be the primary portfolio most people will check out first. … Most people would rather visit your Instagram first before checking your profile website, ” this individual said.  

“With either Instagram Stories or Instagram posts, it creates understanding, and in return, produces potential leads plus enquiries from clients. ”