Veteran Malaysian singer Awie to perform in Singapore in July

Wings frontman Awie stated in an interview with Indonesian press in April that his guitar career would be over at the World Trade Center in Kuala Lumpur. &nbsp,

He told Indonesian newspaper Berita Harian,” We will proceed to stone for a good nine years before calling it a day.”

In 2025, Wings may be celebrating its 40th year. &nbsp,

Awie, whose true title is&nbsp, Ahmad Azhar Othman, i- founded Wings in 1985. The group released a string of successful albums that shaped Malaysia’s rock music scene including&nbsp, Belenggu Irama ( Shackles Of Rhythm ), Hukum Karma ( Karma’s Law ) and Teori Domino ( Domino Theory ). &nbsp,

Due to disagreements, Awie left Wings in 1993, and he later established a successful acting and guitar job. He rejoined the group in 2002 and has since been performing with the channel. Wings ‘ most recent performance in Singapore was in July 2023.