US Commerce chief warns against China ‘threat’

US Commerce chief warns against China 'threat'

SAN FRANCISCO: On December 2, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo urged politicians, Silicon Valley, and US supporters to prevent China from obtaining cutting-edge systems essential to national security.

At a yearly national defense conference in Simi Valley, California, Raimondo referred to Beijing as” the biggest risk we’ve ever had” and emphasized that” China is no our friend.”

The top two economies in the world are engaged in a furious business and geopolitical competition, with her department taking the lead.

To stop Beijing from using advanced chips for its military, Raimondo unveiled a number of restrictions on the export of those chips to China in October, including those used in the creation of artificial intelligence ( AI ).

Because you’re losing money, I know some of the CEOs of device companies in this crowd were a little irritated with me when I said that. In this way of life, preserving federal safety is more important than making quick money. “”

” Newsflash: Democracy benefits your company.” Legislation is good for your businesses both here and around the world, she said.

Raimondo pointed out that Nvidia, the manufacturer of the most advanced chips required to create the newest AI technology, had created a product that performs just below the threshold set by her office for trade to China.

That’s what industry does, she acknowledged, but she continued,” And that does n’t produce anything.” “”

China “wakes up every morning trying to figure out how to do an end run around our trade settings… We must therefore tighten those restrictions and take protection with our friends more seriously every minute of every day, she said.

In order for her office to successfully complete its vision, Raimondo emphasized the need for better funding.

I have a budget ofUS$ 200 million. It’s comparable to a few warrior jet ‘ price. Travel on, she commanded. This move bank this procedure as it needs to be funded in order for us to carry it out and defend America. “”

” America is the world’s leader in synthetic knowledge.” According to Raimondo, America is the world leader in cutting-edge silicon style. ” Our private market is to blame for that.”

We wo n’t allow ( China ) to catch up, in any way. “”