US and EU express concern about Move Forward demise

Court ruling’ describe 14 million folks’, says Washington

A woman holds placard with the message “No matter how many times a dissolution is issued, I’ll still vote for Move Forward” as she and other party supporters gather at its head office in Bangkok to hear the Constitutional Court’s ruling on Wednesday. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)
As she and another party followers gather at the company’s head office in Bangkok to notice the Constitutional Court’s decision on Wednesday, a woman holds a sign with the text” No matter how many times a breakdown is issued, I’ll also vote for Move Forward.” ( Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

On Wednesday, the United States and the European Union released statements informing people of their deep concern about the Move Forward Party’s impact on politics in Thailand and the outcome of the Constitutional Court’s order to dissolve it.

The choice “violates Thailand’s political advancement and goes against the Thai people’s wishes for a prosperous, democratic future,” according to the US State Department.

As a close ally and friend with deep and lasting relationships, the United States urges Thailand to take steps to ensure completely inclusive political cooperation, as well as to safeguard politics and the right to freedom of expression, according to State Department spokesman Matthew Miller in a statement.

The Move Forward Party’s vote in the May 2023 election is disenfranchised by the more than 14 million Thais, which raises questions about how they are represented in Thailand’s political system.

He continued,” Inclusional political involvement is a crucial part of resilient national institutions. It strengthens social cohesion.

The court’s decision, which was cited as a” setback for political pluralism in Thailand,” was criticized by the European Union as a” setback for political pluralism in Thailand.” Move Forward won the 2023 general election with 14 million votes out of 39 million.

Without a variety of events and individuals, no political system is exist, according to a media release from the European External Action Service. &nbsp,

Any restrictions on the exercise of free relationship and appearance, particularly through political party establishment and activities, must be in line with international law’s applicable rules and standards, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

According to the statement, the EU “is ready to expand its wedding with Thailand” in accordance with a cooperation agreement signed in 2022 that contains issues like “democratic diversity, important rights, and human rights.”

The court decision was described as “unacceptable” in a statement by Amnesty International, which claimed it demonstrated how Thai laws were being used to scare opponents. The Eastern Forum for Human Rights said it posed” serious threats to political rules”.

PM Srettha cheerful

Srettha Thavisin, the prime minister, reaffirmed her belief on Wednesday that Move Forward did find a solution to the social turmoil. He dissented from rumors that the opposition camp may suffer as a result of its breakdown.

Because it is not the state, according to political economist Somjai Phagaphasvivat, the party’s dissolution is unlikely to have a negative impact. This is foreseen by investors and social experts.

He claimed that protests might remain held, but they are unlikely to last long, been unrestrained, or escalate into violence.

Varakorn Samakoses, an economics and finance critic, said the case may have device- and long- word impacts because a group breakdown may produce some investors feel uncertain about the government’s policies.

He noted, however, that the morality case against Mr Srettha, on which the judge will act next year, will have more impact if the decision is undesirable to the top.

Following the 2020 election and the Future Forward Party, Move Forward is the third group that will be disbanded under the current law, following the Thai Raksa Chart.

On Wednesday, a T-shirt supplier will be open for business in Bangkok's Hua Mak area. ( Photo: @MFPThailand X account )

On Wednesday, a T-shirt supplier will be open for business in Bangkok’s Hua Mak area. ( Photo: @MFPThailand X account )