US and China don’t need a third party to help with problems in relationship: Ng Eng Hen

He cited the fundamental differences between the two countries ‘ social networks as evidence that the differences may continue for a while. While China is ruled by the Communist Party, the US is a republic. &nbsp,

” There are bound to get distinctions. It’s not going to get ahead immediately. Therefore, we have to find some degree of hospitality, some level of development despite the differences over the next few years”.

Dr. Ng added that he does not believe a small nation is counteract powerful countries. Even though it may be something to hope for, if these forces put pressure on the land, it would be “put to the check.”

The defense minister said that our goal is really to persuade the powers, whether they are large, middle, or otherwise, that a system that protects the rights of large and small powers is in their collective interests and to be inclusive to avoid military alliances ( and ) trade blocs. &nbsp,


Dr. Ng also made comments about how Chinese associates have changed and learned in dialogue and communities in the West.

The minister described his experience attending the Beijing Xiangshan Forum in October as” China’s response to the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore,” adding that” items are a little more contrived.” Issues can sometimes be a little politeer. They occasionally do n’t ask the questions they really want to.

On the other hand, discussions held in European countries typically have a “full on” time frame and concerns are supposed to be posed in public.