Unsold greens a persistent issue for Singapore’s vegetable farms; businesses urge support for local produce

The business usually donates leftover vegetables to nursing homes or needy families but as a last resort, some greens have to be thrown away.

“We spend a lot of time and effort growing these plants and we don’t want our vegetables to go to waste,” said Ms Goh.

“But sometimes it’s more difficult for us to donate because we need to arrange logistics, etc., and it is easier for us to throw them away but it is such a waste.”

At ComCrop, a rooftop urban farm along Woodlands Loop, about 30 per cent of its produce is donated to charities.

Still, the volume of unsold vegetables is an improvement from last year, when about half its harvest had to be given away.

“The leftovers are decreasing, but it’s still a problem. We still have wastage that we are having to donate on a daily basis,” said the company’s chief executive officer Peter Barber.

The farm said poor product placement at stores is among the challenges faced.

“The biggest feedback we have had from Singaporeans is that they can’t find our produce,” said Mr Barber. “So, we have been working closely with (supermarkets) to get better shelf positioning.”


Both farms said low consumer awareness and a lack of support for local produce are major issues. SG Veg Farms, which is located atop a multi-storey carpark along Admiralty Drive, said that even residents in the neighbourhood are unaware of its presence.