UN details widespread forced labour in North Korea

” Impact BRIGADES”

The most recent allegations come in response to a groundbreaking report that was released by a UN team of investigators ten years ago and included allegations of forced labor, murder, and other widespread rights violations in North Korea.

Tuesday’s record zeroed in on an institutionalised program, with six different types of forced workers, including during the region’s 10-year lowest military conscription.

There were also forced state-assigned work and the use of revolution” Shock Brigades”, or state-organised groups of people forced to carry out “arduous regular labour”, often in design and crops, the statement said.

According to the report, such projects may survive months or even years, when workers are required to live on the site and receive little to no pay, respectively.

There were also various forms of work mobilisations, including of school kids, and work performed by citizens sent abroad to receive foreign money for the status, it said.

For example, a source claims that North Koreans have been sent to assist in the construction of services ahead of the Russia and Qatar soccer World Cup events.

Tuesday’s report stressed that those sent overseas lose up to 90 per cent of their income to the state, operate under constant surveillance, and have their documents confiscated, with virtually no time off.


The program “acts as a means for the position to manage, monitor and empower the people”, the report said, adding that in some instances the level of control and exploitation “may approach the threshold of ‘ ownership'”.

This does” form the crime against humanity of enslavement”, it said.

The most pressing problems were those involving places of detention, where forced labor victims were routinely forced to work inhumanely and physically threatened environments, it added.

Tuesday’s document called on North Korea to “end forced labour in all its types”, “end servitude and slavery-like methods”, and “abolish the use of baby labour”, among a long list of suggestions.

Additionally, it requested that the UN Security Council send the International Criminal Court a report on the matter.