UK”s envoy on mission to promote diversity

UK"s envoy on mission to promote diversity

The Thai adviser to Thailand applauds new changes to Indian marriage law and supports the prime minister’s commitment to equality.

UK's envoy on mission to promote diversity
American embassy Mark Gooding, left, and his mate, Christopher McCormick. Somchai Poomlard

Mark Gooding, the American ambassador to Thailand, expressed happiness after the Thai legislature just passed a bill allowing same-sex unions. He claimed there is space for the United Kingdom and Thailand to work together to promote gender equality.

When the laws changed nearly 20 years ago, Mr. Gooding and his mate, Christopher McCormick, claimed they were one of the first people in the UK to be officially recognized as civil unions in an exclusive interview with the Bangkok Post.

The Civil Partnership Act, which gave same-sex organizations the equal rights as married people, was approved by the European parliament in 2004.

The second marriage between a same-sex pair took place in England until March 2014, when same-sex unions became legal.

Another ten years later, on March 27th of this year, the Thai government suddenly announced its acceptance of the gay marriage law.

” For the Thai LGBTQ area, this policy will give them access to numerous privileges to which the UK government believes they are entitled,” Mr Gooding said.

Because LGBTQ privileges are fundamental human rights, our government makes it clear that we support equitable wedding everywhere.

” And LGBTQ people are seeking justice, which means nothing more and nothing less than anyone else is entitled to,” he said.

The Thai PM has a strong commitment to this problem and is an advocate for it, he said, noting that the equal wedding laws, which is supported and welcomed in Thailand, will give the support and right in the places they need.

Ambassador Gooding claimed that the local community has cordially welcomed him and his father since his appearance in Thailand.

However, he said there were certain problems, just like anywhere in the world, regarding the rights of same-sex people including tax freedom, home and health advantages.

The ambassador said it’s important to promote a better society, happiness, education and creativity, and he believes passing this bill on marriage equality is a part of that.

” I believe that the most prosperous society in the world is the one in which people can live as themselves,” he said.

Thailand could take lessons from the UK’s approach to putting together marriage equality laws to protect same-sex couples from discrimination, he said.

He said the bill cannot solve every LGBTQ issue. There are still many difficulties that LGBTQ people face such as discrimination in the workplace, rights to health, and bullying in schools.

He argued that it is crucial to raise awareness of LGBTQ rights, and that Thailand and the UK should use their own experiences with media and education.

Thailand could also learn from the UK on LGBTQ representation at the parliamentary level, he said, adding that in the 2019 elections, there were 45 LGBTQ in the British parliament which was the highest number in the world.

The UK is also a member of the Equal Rights Coalition ( ERC ), an intergovernmental body of 43 member states dedicated to promoting LGBTQ rights.

The government is also working with LGBTQ civil society organisations to exchange experience, share ideas, and voice concerns. The UK therefore hopes that Thailand will join a coalition to exchange knowledge and experience with other Member States.

” The UK has the best chance of resolving these problems that we face,” I said.

” So, I think Thailand-UK should exchange experience on the best way in solving these challenges. I hope that Thailand will eventually join the ERC with us, and that many other nations as well,” he said.

When questioned about his background as a gay ambassador, Mr. Gooding claimed that his life is similar to that of any other Thai ambassador who wants to strengthen bilateral ties.

He added that the UK government is eager to represent various countries in the world.

So, the UK government has been actively supporting members of the LGBTQ community, women, and people of different ethnicities, to become ambassadors for the country.

” This is the UK today. We are an inclusive diverse society. We support the promotion of diversity and inclusion all over the world, he said.