TV actress claims cop molested her

A good allegation that an older police officer in Hammer Phlat district molested a TV celebrity while she has been sleeping at a home in Kannayao district is being investigated.

Pol Col Naren Kruengsanuk, police chief of Kannayao station, said last night if the allegations were found to have grounds, the officer would be summonsed to acknowledge charges.

On Wednesday night time, 26-year-old actress Jaibua Hidding, accompanied by her lawyer, filed a complaint with Kannayao police against the accused for allegedly molesting her at the girl friend’s house in Khu Bon of Kannayao district. The particular Thai-Dutch actress mentioned she woke on the couch on August 2 after a part of find someone caring her body, which includes her breasts. The lady claimed the officer was trying to rest on the same sofa with her and had been caressing her body.