Tried counting how many teeth your children have? They might naturally be missing a few

If you spot a space or two in your child’s top gums, you might be wondering: May they shut up as he grows? The age of your child and whether he is finished replacing his first set of teeth ( also known as milk or infant smile ) with everlasting or adult teeth will determine the answer. &nbsp,

For the record, your baby ‘s&nbsp, 20 cheese teeth&nbsp, will begin to come at around six months of age, although it can range from baby to baby. By the time he reaches the age of six, his adult set, which consists of 32 permanent tooth, will start to drop off.

But sometimes, those numbers just do n’t happen because of hypodontia.

” Hypodontia is the congenital or developmental absence of one or more baby or adult teeth”, said Dr Low Yuxuan, an associate consultant with National Dental Centre Singapore’s ( NDCS) Department of Orthodontics.

In other words, your kid might have one or a dozen teeth that are totally missing, or up to six in some hypodontia situations, and not that they have failed to come. &nbsp,


More than one in 10 people ( about 11 per cent ) who require braces at NDCS has hypodontia, said Dr Low, citing two reports that course 2017 to 2019.

According to connect expert Dr. Judith Quek with NDCS’s Paediatric Dentistry section, the condition frequently affects permanent tooth, but it can also be seen in dairy teeth. ” If the butter bone is missing, there is a higher probability of the adult teeth being missing, too”, she said.

Medical surgeon for Tooth Stories, Dr. Sharon Leng, who previously performed dental procedures in schools, has also observed that hypodontia affects milk teeth more than adult teeth. One in ten of the adolescents I’ve seen had hypodontia in their collection of child tooth, while one in fifteen of the children had hypodontia in their collection of milk teeth, she said.