Trapped orcas escape from drift ice near Japan

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According to officials, a seed of about 12 killer whales that were caught in drift snow off the northern island of Japan appears to have made it out alive.

A fisherman spotted the stranded dolphins earlier this year, about a kilometer away from Hokkaido.

The animals were seen crammed up and sticking their heads out of the waters to swallow in aircraft images.

Officials traveled to the seaside village to keep an eye on the whales as a result of the standard response.

A flood of public concern over the animals this week was sparked by the film, which was also broadcast on Chinese Television, and calls for government support for their release were made.

To aid in the release of the trapped animals, one group also petitioned the Japanese government to send an icebreaker.

However, on Wednesday, officials responded by reporting that their most recent surveillance trip appeared to indicate the whales had left the area.

A local established in Rausu, a seaside area, said,” We believe they were able to avoid safely.”

They made the assumption that the sharks might have emerged from the snow gaps.

Younger people of the seed were among the trapped orcas, and images of them appeared to show some hemorrhage at their jaws, suggesting that the animals may have made an effort to flee.

Orcas, unlike other large whales, ca n’t stay underwater for too long and must surface every few minutes, according to Japanese media reports.

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