Transgender woman arrested for selling student videos

Suggest deceived victims by promising to reveal her own clips in exchange.

Apiwut Suwannarat, 25, wearing pink, is arrested at a dormitory near a university in Lat Phrao, Bangkok, for allegedly duping male university students into masturbating and then selling the videos online. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)
Apiwut Suwannarat, 25, wearing bright, is arrested at a hostel near a school in Lat Phrao, Bangkok, for allegedly duping man school students into urinating and then selling the videos online. ( Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )

A transgender woman has been detained in Bangkok after allegedly tricking man school students into sending her picture videos of themselves urinating, which she later sold on social media.

Officers from the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division ( ATPO ) arrested Apiwut Suwannarat, 25, at a dormitory near a university in Lat Phrao district on Wednesday, Pol Col Phatthanaphong Sriphinphor, superintendent of ATPO sub-division 2, said on Thursday.

Apiwut was wanted in connection with a human trafficking arrest warrant that the Criminal Court had issued. He is accused of uploading sexual material to a computer system, producing or disseminating pornography, and other crimes.

The arrest came in response to police reports that a team on the Telegram messaging app shared pornographic videos of young males, the majority of which showed them flirting and undressed. Joining the group, called” Gril class”, required a participation fee of 200 baht.

Investigators obtained evidence to support her imprisonment and tracked the propagation of the videos to Apiwut.

Apiwut told authorities that she had rented a room close to the school and graduated from the university two years ago during questioning.

To get her victims, she created a fake account with an interesting person’s photo on social media, mostly targeting man university students. She persuaded them to send her personal videos of themselves masturbating by promising to give them her personal movies in exchange. However, she instead sold the videos in the” Gril group”.

The arresting squad sent the think to ATPO sub-division 2 for lawful action.

Police seek the space of Apiwut Suwannarat, 25, to discover evidence related to sexual clips of female victims. ( Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )

Police seek the space of Apiwut Suwannarat, 25, to discover evidence related to sexual clips of female victims. ( Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )