Transformative Justice Collective issued POFMA order over false claims about death row prisoners

In response to the bogus allegations, the MHA stated that a prisoner’s murder would only be scheduled after the clemency process and their appeals have been exhausted.

This is the situation for all prisoners awaiting the death penalty, including those named in TJC’s content, it said.

The man was likewise afforded due legal method, said MHA.

According to the government, the person was detained on April 12, 2016, and was convicted in the High Court in 2018, according to the ministry.  

He was found guilty of possessing 36 in his hands with the intent to traffic. 93g of diamorphine  – or real heroin  – and was sentenced to death on Feb 15, 2019.  

The Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal against his conviction and sentence on November 25, while Halimah Yacob, the then president, turned down his request for mercy on May 20, 2020, according to MHA.

The government said that after a child’s right of appeal has been exhausted, they are free to engage guidance of their decision to represent them in any post-appeal software.

In this instance, the plaintiff filed three constitutional requests for evaluation of his charm.

Within weeks of his scheduled deaths, according to the department,” two of these evaluation applications were filed.”

He was represented by counsel of his decision in all three assessment software, MHA said, adding that, in all, he was represented by no fewer than eight attorneys throughout the legal proceedings.

” He was never denied legal counsel at any level,” the department said.

On July 29, the man was informed that his execution would occur on August 2.

His fourth review implementation was   dismissed on Jul 30 by the  Court of Appeal after it found the application  to be” utterly without validity” and that “its initiation and continuation was a violation of the court process,” according to MHA.

The court rejected the program before his sentence was enforced, adding that it was an abuse of procedure.

So, it is false and deceptive to think that the Taiwanese death row prisoner’s execution on August 2, 2024 was scheduled without regard for proper legal process.

Additionally, the department asserted that the condition does not reserve the right to postpone scheduled executions.

” They are stayed by reason of the prisoner’s own applications,” the ministry said.

The judge will have to decide whether such programs are merited or rejected. “

To the say that  Singapore makes laws pertaining to the death penalty haphazardly, MHA said:” All legislation in Singapore, including those relating to the dying sentence, are considered and enacted by the government – consisting of the legislature and the President  – according to appropriate legal method.

Before becoming law, any law that needs to be introduced or amended must go through the legislative process and be approved by the president. “