Former prime minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh said yesterday the future of the “three brothers in arms” — a reference to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon and Interior Minister Anupong Paojinda — hinges on how well they can manage the country before the election.
According to Gen Chavalit, the three — who are widely seen as the most powerful clique in Thailand’s current political landscape — are doing their best to ensure justice and the public’s happiness.
“But it will depend on the results of their work. I believe they are trying to the best of their abilities, but all stakeholders need to be more cooperative,” he said.
When asked who the next prime minister will be, Gen Chavalit said: “Don’t waste your time thinking about it. We should think of how to ensure peace and unity among people.”
“I don’t care who will become prime minister. But [the next PM] must have the people’s best interests at heart,” Gen Chavalit said.
“Over the past several years, things haven’t changed much, but don’t lose hope. Everyone must lend a helping hand and must not leave others behind. The urgent issue right now is to help many people who are affected by the floods,” he said.
When asked to comment on the election expected in the middle of next year, Gen Chavalit said he hoped the polls will be free of fraud and not violate people’s rights.