Top election official in Myanmar assassinated by guerrillas

BANGKOK: In Yangon, the nation’s’s commercial capital, a senior election official in Myanmar was fatally shot in his car in the most recent assault, which was allegedly carried out by an anti-military group.

According to military information office, media reports, and a statement of responsibility from an urban guerrilla group, Sai Kyaw Thu, deputy director-general of the military-appointed Union Election Commission, was shot multiple times on Saturday( Apr 22 ).

The People’s’s Defence Force, a loosely organized armed wing of the pro-democracy National Unity Government that opposes the military-installed authority that was established when the army seized power two years ago, carried out the incident, according to the information office on Sunday.

The National Unity Government is home to numerous opposition forces, including local People’s’s Defence Force organizations, but the military refers to them all as” terrorists.”

Previous lieutenant colonel Sai Kyaw Thu was attacked, according to a opposition group going by the name of For The Yangon. In a Facebook post on Saturday night that was accompanied by three images of their destination, it declared” Mission: Accomplished.”

Since the army took control of Aung San Suu Kyi’s’s elected government on February 1, 2021, Sai Kyaw Thu is thought to be the most senior Election Commission official to have been assassinated.

By attacking personnel conducting a community survey that could be used to gather voting rolls and other low-level poll workers, resistance groups attempted to sabotage election preparations that the army had promised earlier this year.

When the military authorities announced in February that it was extending a state of emergency due to security issues, options for the surveys— whose day was always determined— were postponed indefinitely.

Industrial guerrillas have committed numerous little bombings, arson attacks, and targeted killings. Officials, members of the military, and their allies, as well as individuals thought to be dissidents or military ally, were among the victims.

A former army commander who served as the military-linked Mytel telecommunications company’s’s chief financing officer was fatally shot in a Yangon street in November 2021.

In April 2022, Than Than Swe, a lieutenant governor of Myanmar’s’s Central Bank at the time, was assassinated in her Yangon place. She made it through and was given the position of bank government.

Most recently, self-described industrial insurgents in Yangon shot and killed a former corporate lawyer who was accused of aiding military leaders.