Tong Heng’s pastries and 75 Ah Balling Peanut Soup’s tang yuan for a sweet taste of history

Like European bread but given a Southeast Asian boost increase, the omelette kaya toast was mind- blowingly, artery- cloggingly great. Great egg-on-egg sense was created when coconut egg jam was combined with a fresh egg. Flaffy, golden-crusted omelette mingled with the special pandan caramel of easy kaya, which are combined by the savory fat and bread.

Egg, kung and bread are a common breakfast combo, but served in this style, it was a book and wonderful experience. Nice as it was, it is a meal so decadent, the calories may be shared.

However, those looking for a style might have to wait. When COVID- 19 limitations put a stop to sit- in solutions, the egg kung bread was taken off Tong Heng’s list. For now, stop by for your choice of various pastries, cold sweets, and beverages while Aunty Constance and Aunt Ana are still mulling over how to bring their iconic dish up.

I highly recommend their flaky red beans shortbread cookies and walnut cake, which are a genius result of a generation of frugality. Fried dough scraps are layered around a walnut filling on sponge cake for a special pastry that’s also available in various flavors, such as kaya and dark sesame. Black coal moon cakes and veggie Chinese wedding cake box sets are among the newest additions to the Tong Heng line of sweets, when are cool Yuzu Mango Peach Gum cake with fruit boba.