Almost 5, 000 web addresses happen to be blocked for operating illegal content, including lese majeste and pornography, says the Ministry of Digital Economy and Community (DES).
In the first 9 months of this year, the ministry clogged 4, 735 URLs on 183 court orders, according to the DES.
The blocked web addresses cover six types of lawful violations: lese majeste (1, 816 URLs), online gambling (1, 507 URLs), immoral acts (1, 119 URLs), pornography (219 URLs), sales associated with e-cigarettes (58 URLs) and overpriced on the internet lottery sales (17 URLs).
The data was released in the wake of statement by the Cyber Criminal offense Investigation Bureau associated with 2, 330 situations of technology crime from Dec 22, 2020 to Aug 31 this year.
The highest number of online technology crimes involved online gambling and trans-border criminal offenses (670 cases), followed by financial fraud (579 cases), and the spread of fake information (483 cases).
The government was also pushing for laws and regulations to be passed to allow authorities to act quickly against widespread offences including the opening of proxy bank accounts.
In the meantime, the particular anti-money laundering law was being amended to standardise its observance, especially with regards to tackling proxy bank accounts. The bill is being vetted by the Council associated with State.