There’ll be a World War II-themed underground horror experience at Fort Canning from end-September

This Halloween time, Singapore’s dread enthusiasts will be completely unprepared. A one-of-a-kind experienced dread event taking place at Fort Canning from Sep 25 to Nov 3 will be held in addition to Universal Studios Singapore’s upcoming Halloween Horror Nights 2024.

Titled Basement: The Summoning, the occasion is touted as” Singapore’s largest interactive scary experience” and will completely take place underwater in&nbsp, the ancient Battlebox World War II vault underneath Fort Canning.

The account is set in 1942 and&nbsp, is described as like: &nbsp,” With the oncoming conquest of Japanese forces, the English military officers, in despair, turn to an old book of summoning for help. But, they unleash chaos rather as Bellum, the monster lord of war, and his henchmen overrun the basement”.