The Ides of March it isn’t

The Ides of March it isn't
Seree: Looking for a consensus

The Ides of March, it’s not

It could be argued that the Senate’s attempt to hold a public debate was unfair to the administration it assisted in installing.

However, it is impossible to deny that the so-called neo-conservative tent, which the Pheu Thai Party-led government has come to reflect, maintains a staunch parasitic relationship with the Senate.

According to observers, the previous management left behind this tradition after being charged with transferring power following the coup in May 2014.

Only after New Year, during the debate over the budget expenses bill in parliament, the government was subjected to its first grilling. The government was in a high-stakes period, and if the bill had been defeated, it would have been overthrown.

But as anticipated, it sailed through.

The opposition, which includes the Democrat Party, was controlled by the Move Forward Party ( MFP), which launched a tirade against the government. The Senate is now ready to give the state a run for its income.

While the focus of the budget bill conversation was primarily on giving money to ministries and the value of spending plans, the Senate will hold the government accountable for allegedly abiding by the law and intending to raid the nation’s coffers as part of a significant nationalist spending spree.

A common debate is easily expose or draw people’s attention to potentially devastating allegations that could bring the government into severe disrepute, but since it does not involve casting a no-confidence vote, it is essentially useless to bring down that government.

According to Senator Seree Suwanpanont, the panel chair of the Senate’s democratic development committee, it just decided to start a general discussion on how the government has implemented its policies and was supposed to begin gaining support right away.

Under Part 153 of the contract, Senate Speaker Pornpetch Wichitcholchai may receive a public debate that needs the support of one-third of legislators, or 84.

Sen. Seree stated that some senators supported the motion to start the debate, with the digital wallet policy, charter amendment plan, and the Department of Corrections ‘ role in upholding court orders among the most important issues to be brought up. Some include the alleged inability of the government to combat fraud and the outlawing of meat trafficking.

Any one of these problems, according to the watchers, could be a Achilles foot for the state.

Pheu Thai is eager to implement its iconic digital wallet program, which is its biggest and most eagerly awaited vote claim.

The government planned to offer the bag giveaway via a expenses rather than an professional decree, which avoids parliament scrutiny and is therefore quicker to employ, in order to avoid danger after becoming aware of the controversy surrounding the handout policy.

Before the death of a bill is decided, lawmakers must give it careful thought. Pheu Thai may be held responsible for the failure of the bag scheme if the bill was shot down in parliament.

However, the ruling party is confusing countless people and forcing them to listen to it defend the necessity of carrying out the policy.

On the one hand, Pheu Thai insists that the plan must be implemented immediately in order to save the business from the turmoil, which ought to have required the passage of an executive order. The party, however, chose to go slowly and rather chose a bill, which normally takes months to pass.

Pheu Thai is also in hot water as a result of the law article controversy because some claim that the government is making cosmetic changes to the constitution that are not worth the time, energy, or money to make.

The cost of adopting three policy amendment referenda would be at least 10 billion baht, and it would take months to update the charter, which calls for the formation of a new assemblage.

Then there is the controversy surrounding former top Thaksin Shinawatra’s protracted hospitalization outside of captivity. After being sent to Bangkok Remand Prison after years of self-imposed captivity on August 22 of last year, he was admitted to a superior clinic at the Police General Hospital. He was highly respected by Pheu Thai.

Thaksin, who was given an eight-year prison sentence upon his return to Thailand, was afterward given a royal pardon, which reduced the sentence to one year.

According to DoC regulations, permission to stay outside of prison for longer than 120 days for health reasons had been formally approved by the prisoner’s health care provider as well as the jail chief. This information must then be provided in writing to the director-general of the department, who had first notify the righteousness minister, according to Justice Ministry.

The council of Sen. Seree has evaluated the unsettling advancements and has decided to hold a public discussion in order to find an explanation.

It might be the next day this current Senate, whose term ends in May, could end up doing the federal any harm.

However, some critics question whether a large number of lawmakers will stand up and participate in the frying.

To counter the MFP, the bulk co-elected Srettha Thavisin as prime minister. The traditional union, which has since become a neo-conservative group, chose Pheu Thai as the lesser of two horrors.

The observers speculated that the idea of some lawmakers gaining widespread support from their ranks to depose Pheu Thai might never materialize.

Also posing a danger

According to spectators, Pita Limjaroenrat’s joyous return to parliament following his six-month expulsion as an MP may have a significant impact on the Pheu Thai Party, which is currently in power.

Mr. Pita, a well-known and powerful figure, may inspire MFP backers with his return. Additionally, the MFP prime minister member fearlessly declared that he is aiming for the final reward, Government House.

When questioned about his level of assurance that he would n’t have to leave parliament once more, this response was given.

Because television is no longer involved in internet businesses, the Constitutional Court ruled on January 24 that the 42, 000 stock he owned in the 1990s independent journalist did not violate the rules.

Mr. Pita was cited as saying,” If I have to leave, I will only go to Government House.”

Another legitimate issue the MFP and he encountered in the Constitutional Court was the basis for the speculation about his social potential.

This week, Mr. Pita and the main opposition group returned to the court to discuss whether or not their campaign pledge to alter the Lese Majeste Law, Section 112, of the Criminal Code, violated the contract.

The MFP’s force for act was determined by the Constitutional Court on Wednesday to be an attempt to topple the constitutional monarchy.

The MFP now faces the possibility of disintegration and a social restrictions on its professional members, which is the same fate that its forerunner, the Future Forward Party, experienced years ago. However, this procedure might take some time.

However, prior to the decision, it was believed that a favorable results may boost Mr. Pita’s campaign for championship and put pressure on Pheu Thai, which is preparing Paetongtarn Shinawatra, its leader, for the position.

Paetongtarn: A potential candidate for prime minister

At its annual meeting in April, there is widespread speculation that the MFP will even try to oust Mr. Pita as group leader. Following his suspension, Mr. Pita, who is now the party’s expert chairman, resigned from his position last year to make room for Chaithawat Tulathon to take over as leader of the opposition.

According to a number of spectators, if Mr. Pita and Ms. Paetongtarn vie for the desired prime minister position, the political climate will intensify.

The MFP, which appears to be one step ahead of various political parties in preparing and executing activities to keep its support center and win over voters, requires Pheu Thai to step up its efforts.

The Political and Public Policy Analysis Institute’s producer, Thanaporn Sriyakul, reported to the Bangkok Post that the ruling group had changed its strategy in an effort to gain more support by endorsing a bill that would have changed the constitutional clause governing the charter article election.

According to the scientist, the Pheu Thai Party is also rumored to be establishing a” Pheup Thai Academy” to equip its MPs to more effectively participate in House debates and reflect and provide the party’s plan.

The MFP, whose MPs gave an outstanding achievement in the most current House conversation on the 2024 budget bill, is being imitated by the ruling party. He noted that they were said to have benefited from academic training.

The group has so far concentrated on showcasing its leader, so Mr. Thanaporn believes that Pheu Thai’s strategy change is a good development. Although the group makes an effort to capitalize on Ms. Paetongtarn’s joy and reputation, the strategy is less successful than the MFP strategy.

Through forums and its group branches, which have appeared in almost every area, not just the provinces, the MFP has engaged with people on a local level.

Important Pheu Thai numbers, according to Mr. Thanaporn, are happy with their government posts and the perks of their positions and have forgotten how crucial it is to forge stronger bonds with people, while the MFP violently expands its aid base.

According to the scientist, the MFP would have had four times as many people as the ruling party if donations to social events could be used to gauge the size of their help center.

The MFP received the most funds, totaling 36 million rmb, while Pheu Thai, who received second-largest contributions, received 9 million. He noted that the Pheu Thai received a quarter of the MFP’s overall.

Mr. Thanaporn insisted that the Pheu Thai leader had a difficult task ahead of her in resolving disagreements among the group MPs, many of whom come from different political dynasties. She also needed to change their ways of thinking and bring the group’s individuals closer together.

If the group gets to work today, it might be able to catch up to the MFP when the next election is in three years, he said.” I believe Ms. Paetongtarn is adjusting strategy to increase the assistance base.”