The great Singaporean driver debate: Bad skills or bad culture?

The female beliefs are ingrained, said Munah, but when a person makes a blunder on the streets, the myth is reinforced. However, men frequently view errors as personal problems rather than as a reflection of their sex.

However, only 21 per cent of responders in the ballot voted for either male or female vehicles, while 36 per cent chose luxury car drivers and 43 per cent selected private use and vehicle drivers as Singapore’s worst motorists.

Harry Ng, a 66-year-old taxi drivers, attributed the poll’s findings to the ease with which hired vehicles are recognized on the road.

Given their role for customer protection, the reality is different from view, argued personal employ car driver Peter Jalal, 64. ” We have to bring them from point A to point B ( in ) the safest way ( by ) driving safely”.