Pets are prominent in Ang’s models, a smile to her earlier work in the industry, where clients frequently requested paintings of their favorite animals or pets.
Their most popular printing thus far? The” Classic Porcelain Cat is doing very well. The pareos ( sarongs ) are sold out”, shared Tan. The printing, which features the Singapura Cat frolicking among blue and white florals inspired by traditional Chinese porcelain, exemplifies Ang’s name humor and a smile to the brand’s Taiwanese history. It’s joy, but even elegant.
When asked to pick a favorite design, Jasline hesitated. ” It’s so hard to choose”, she admits before eventually picking up a blanket. ” I truly love the qilin, because we’re Studio Qiling”, she said with a smile.
With her business background, Tan brings a consumer’s attention to the innovative approach. She is very helpful in establishing the overarching elements that underpin each set.
She suggested we use the safari design for our first launch and a mythical beast design for Chinese New Year. Her input does n’t end there, she’s also her partner’s go-to sounding board for colour decisions. ” I’ll inquire her – blue and green, or blue and pink? She picks the combo”, Ang shared.