The complex legal question of Taiwanese independence

“Strategic ambiguity” – the policy which has underpinned the West’s defense of Taiwan for half a century or more – sits on another ambiguity: Taiwan’s status in international law. Which status matters because it could help us answer three questions:

  • does China have a legal right to bring back control over its own place by force?
  • do Taiwan and its allies possess a legal right to withstand such an attack?
  • might Taiwan even have the right in order to declare independence?

The islands we all know as Taiwan have already been inhabited for thirty, 000 years, including by successive waves of peoples from mainland China. Taiwan was subject to incomplete Dutch and Spanish colonization from the earlier 17th century, had been partly controlled with the remnants of the mainland Ming dynasty from 1661, then colonized by the mainland Qing dynasty from 1683. The main island was incorporated as a Chinese language province in 1887.

After the first Sino-Japanese war associated with 1894–95, Taiwan was ceded by treaty to Japan. (At the time, and up until 1928 , a country could legally acquire sovereignty over foreign territory by war or colonization. ) Then, after Japan’s defeat in 1945, the United Nations placed Taiwan under the control over the Republic of China. The ROC, founded in 1912, was led by nationalist Kuomintang, a wartime ally of major Western nations.

Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (centre) and UK Leading Minister Winston Churchill in Cairo at the end of 1943. US National Records

Japan renounced its claim to Taiwan beneath the 51 San Francisco Peace Treaty , but none that agreement neither any other resolved the long run sovereignty of Taiwan. However , in the non-binding Cairo Declaration of 1943, the allied powers acquired agreed Taiwan will be returned to the ROC.

One China, two rival governments

The context changed again in 1949, when communist forces won the particular Chinese civil battle and proclaimed the People’s Republic associated with China (PRC) since the successor state to the defeated ROC. Both the ROC, which experienced retreated to Taiwan, and the PRC stated to be the single legal “state” and so the legitimate government of all of China.

The particular ROC was recognized as a founding person in the United Nations in 1945 and dealt with as the representative of all China for the next quarter-century. In 1971, however , the EL General Assembly recognized the PRC as China’s “only legitimate representatives” in the UN and removed the ROC representatives. The UN choice resolved which entity was competent in order to represent Chinas an UN member condition but didn’t cope with sovereignty over Taiwan.

From the beginning, both the PRC and ROC claimed that Taiwan was part of “their” China. Despite in no way having governed Taiwan, the PRC keeps the same “one China” principle today. For many decades, the ROC also claimed all China, despite getting lost control of the particular mainland in 1949 and being removed from the UN in 1971.

Since the 1990s, Taiwanese leaders have pragmatically approved that mainland China is governed by the PRC, but Taiwan’s Constitution still formally claims all of Tiongkok. Taiwan has also progressively seen itself being a de facto impartial country, separate in the mainland. Partly designed for fear of triggering the military response, Taiwan hasn’t formally declared itself to be a new, legally independent condition.

Worldwide opinion

Because the shift at the EL in 1971, americand Australia have got recognized the PRC as the sole lawful government of “one China. ” The united states initially accepted that Taiwan has been part of China, yet later followed the particular Australian position of simply “acknowledging” the PRC’s sovereign claim to Taiwan.

The US, Australiand various other states have called for the question over statehood to be resolved peacefully by governments in Beijing and Taipei. But that position is difficult to reconcile with US legislation allowing sales of arms for Taiwan to use in its defense.

Most states haven’t recognized Taiwan as an independent state or lawful government. Rather, they have dealt pragmatically with Taiwan – through unofficial diplomacy, trade and environmental cooperation, or to get other purposes – as an entity having an unique international legal status. While 139 countries recognize Palestine, for example , just 15 recognize Taiwan as being a state.

Portion of China?

Legally, Taiwan isn’t a state. But it satisfies most of the lawful criteria of statehood by having a population, a defined place and an independent, effective government. The fourth qualifying criterion, a capacity in order to enter into legal relationships with other states, much more problematic, precisely due to the fact most other states don’t accept that Taiwan enjoys the rights of a state.

The rights Taiwan lacks include complete diplomatic representation, the capability to enter into multilateral treaties, and regular membership of international companies like the UN. Decisively, though, an entity can’t be a state if the entity alone doesn’t claim to be considered a state. Taiwan will not make that claim.

Where does this leave Taiwan? Legally, five factors weigh in favor of Taiwan being part of China:

  • for more than 40 years, both the PRC and the ROC have decided Taiwan is element of “one China” (while disputing rightful governance over it), as well as the ROC’s Constitution nevertheless says so
  • no foreign state (including Japan) has asserted any competing claim to Taiwan, let alone a better one
  • the allied powers and the UN entrusted Taiwan to the then govt of China following the second world battle
  • the UN (perhaps expediently) didn’t regard Taiwan as a colonized territory, subject to the right associated with self-determination, after 1945
  • few states (including the West) explicitly deny Taiwan is element of China, and most have acquiesced in the Chinese language territorial claim.

One of Australia’s most distinguished global lawyers, the late James Crawford, former Judge of the Global Court of Justice, likewise concluded Taiwan was Chinese language territory, with governance disputed.

Taiwanese frigate
A People’s Liberation Military member watches a Taiwanese frigate throughout exercises on five August in response to the particular visit by ALL OF US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Lin Jian/Xinhua via AP

If Taiwan has been Chinese place since 1945, it doesn’t matter that the PRC never governed it. Condition sovereignty over place is distinct from your capacity of a particular government to control that territory at a given point in time. In municipal wars, insurgent makes often hold area without affecting the particular state’s sovereignty.

Suppressing rebellion?

Indeed, this is the base of China’s claims to be entitled to retake Taiwan by force: that it wishes to restore control of Chinese territory kept by insurgents in an unfinished civil battle.

Government authorities normally have a right below international law in order to suppress rebellion in their territory, including simply by remnant forces of a defeated previous federal government. In this light, current Chinese behavior could hardly be seen as hostility, as so often depicted in the West, but as lawful enforcement of its legal rights.

Additional, if Taiwan is certainly part of China then other states have zero lawful right to interfere in what is an internal matter. In this see, Taiwan, not as being a state, has no right to self-defense against China’s efforts to restore purchase in its own area, and other states would violate international law by assisting Taiwan to resist.

Countering this watch are several powerful fights:

  • exclusive disputes like this should be settled peacefully, not by force
  • de facto states like Taiwan also benefit from the global prohibition on the use of military force, and enjoy a de facto right of self-defense
  • Taiwan’s possible right to self-determination, discussed below, includes freedom from army repression.

These arguments sit down uneasily with Chinese sovereignty over its territory, and the Security Council – exactly where China has a vorbehalt – has not backed these arguments (despite doing so in some other situations). But peace is arguably a greater value than official territorial rights in cases like this.

However , simply no right exists under international law to guard non-state entities in order to “defend democracy” or even “defend freedom. ” No right associated with humanitarian intervention is available to respond to likely Chinese atrocities. And no right exists in order to interfere in foreign territorial disputes in order to contain an foe, or for additional geostrategic reasons.

Not part of Cina?

Some elements weigh against Taiwan being part of Tiongkok.

The sovereignty issue was not formally settled in the postwar transition from Western rule, and allied strategic preferences do not necessarily make good law. The UN didn’t regard Taiwan as a Japanese nest ripe to be decolonized through self-determination – though it most likely should have – and instead let the allies give Taiwan in order to China to incentive their ROC wartime ally.

Most of the population was not then associated with the ROC, including the Austronesian native peoples and an incredible number of descendants of previously Chinese settlers.

A more contemporary lawful argument suggests that, even if Taiwan is legitimately part of China, the people now have a fresh right to exercise “remedial” self-determination. This right rests in their sobre facto independence in the mainland for over 70 years, their apparent desire to be ruled individually and their special identity.

In this view, they would be free to choose some form of accommodation with Chinand taiwan, including the status quo, autonomy within China, or full independence – though China may likely reject all of these.

From a modern, human rights viewpoint, this is an appealing method forward. However , this is a legally controversial expansion of self-determination, which historically applied generally to colonies. Legislation is not always just.

Military helicopters carrying large Taiwan flags do a flyby rehearsal on Oct 5, 2021, ahead of National Day celebrations amid escalating stress between Taipei plus Beijing. Photo: AFP / Ceng Shou Yi / NurPhoto

When Taiwan were to declare independence in the future, its success in becoming a condition depends on whether it may maintain control over the territory and people, to the exclusion of Cina, and be accepted by international community.

Kosovo is an example of an organization still undergoing that will process of separation through the former Yugoslavia, along with just over half of additional countries recognizing it.

The risks of ambiguity

Proper ambiguity, designed to keep up with the status quo in Taiwan, is sometimes described as the least worst option (for Taiwan and the Western, though not meant for China).

Side-stepping the lawful dispute has enabled the Taiwanese in order to prosper and, belatedly since the 1980s, democratize. It has served the Western strategic imperative of containing Chinand taiwan. And it has enabled peace during a long postwar period of relative Chinese military weakness.

It isn’t astonishing that China is becoming more assertive regarding its claimed rights. If Taiwan can be legally part of Chinand taiwan, the West’s wish to avoid settling the dispute according to unclear international law – and its insistence on maintaining strategic plus legal ambiguity – isn’t surprising either.

The problem is that will legal disputes can’t be left to fester indefinitely with out consequences (in the particular absence of a miraculous regime change in China). Eventually, they have to be settled either peacefully – according to law or simply by equitable negotiation – or by resort to (possibly illegal) war. Neither route is guaranteed to produce a result favorable to Taiwan or the Western.

Strategic ambiguity may buy a bit more time for peace but also risks endangering peace in the long term.

Ben Saul is Challis Chair of International Legislation, Sydney Law College, College of Sydney

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