The Big Read: No music, pets in certain areas – condo residents lament ‘strict, absurd rules’ amid competing needs

Olivia, who is a family to a five-year-old, said her main problem is not the S$ 200 wheel clamp transfer price, though she finds it a tad overwhelming. Instead, it was the fact that her vehicle was clamped without any advance notice.

” What concerned me was that we’ve had times, in the middle of the night, where we needed to jump to emergency services. &nbsp, If they are doing this at 11pm at night, and they’re not telling you, and if we did have an emergency- I would be livid” .&nbsp,

She cited additional apartments rules that have resulted in a” tight way of living.” She again witnessed a citizen being berated for bringing a bottle of water close to the board seats because drinking water is not permitted at the swimming pool. &nbsp,

She cited another instance where people were told to dress “appropriately” at the swimming pool following a problem by one citizen that a person had worn a “revealing” dress, although this new regulations drew pushback from inhabitants.

” It’s a wonderful apartments, but it’s just so controlling”, said Olivia. &nbsp,

She feels drained and would rather simply move because she and her family are renting their apartment, but instead of being moved to motion, she feels drained.

” We really tried to get out of our license before, but we could n’t”, she lamented. &nbsp,

Ms. Jolene Ng, a resident at another apartment, Riverfront Residences in Hougang, became a major property agent after the council issued a notice outlining that dogs are prohibited on the ground floor.

The see, seen by TODAY, stated that the move was owing to pups urinating and defecating on level one, which caused damage to the grass turf and “inconvenience” to different people. &nbsp,

The marketing chairman, who claimed she feels blindsided by the introduction of this law, said,” I never planned to get involved if not for this cruel restrictions directly affecting my life.

Ms. Ng and other pet owners have formed a group to discuss their grievances and plans to speak at the condo’s approaching AGM in November. &nbsp, &nbsp,

She said,” It should have been made obvious from the day that the house was for sale that they would ban pups, as that would affect my judgement about whether I want to get it,” adding that she had paid a premium for a ground-floor apartment. &nbsp,

” I sank S$ 1 million to buy this house, and my dogs cannot move pleasantly”.

The administration at Riverfront Residences responded to inquiries from Now by saying the rules are part of the estate house guidelines and that pet owners are responsible for their pets when they travel through common areas like automobile parks, corridors, and raise lobbies. &nbsp,

House guidelines are more casual guidelines issued by the MCST or managing agencies. &nbsp, Unlike by-laws, home laws do not require authorization through a proper election process. &nbsp,

The management company said it has issued” some guidelines” to convince people to be more concerned.

Residents have voiced a lot of complaints about animal faeces and urine in the common areas, especially the degree one recreation facilities, the statement continued.